Android code modify exif

Android Code Modify Exif

at Software Informer
IMI GAL Modify

Is a small and fast utility for Exchange Admin to modify the Mailbox.

IMI GAL Modify is a small ... Admin to modify the Mailbox

SeisSoft Parameter Modify
 The SeisSoft Company  6  Freeware
Utility to modify projection and datum constants in the Windows Registry.
Remove PowerPoint Password to Modify
1  Dombaj Soft  334  Shareware
It removes any password to modify from MS PowerPoint presentations.
See non-reviewed android code modify exif software
More Android Code Modify Exif
Android Code Modify Exif in introduction
Android Studio
174  Android Developers  170,082  Freeware
IDE for Android development that includes tools to build Android apps.
EXIF Date Changer
6  Rellik Software  1,831  Shareware
Replace, remove, or add EXIF metadata to your digital photo collection.
A-PDF Photo Exif Editor
76  A-PDF  65  Shareware
Full-featured software tool to edit, view, create, export, and import EXIF data.
EXIF Pilot
7  Two Pilots  2,023  Freeware
View, edit, create, and remove EXIF information of images.
9  Ralf Bibinger  1,413  Freeware
EXIF Viewer 2.5 is a program that show all the properties of our images.
Photo EXIF & Watermark Maker
1  3delite  159  Shareware
Photo EXIF & Watermark Maker is a simple but very useful tool.
Additional titles, containing android code modify exif
68  CaroTechnology  19  Shareware
PictureViewer is a tool that lets you modify the EXIF information in images.
97  DataMystic  8  Shareware
Modify file and folder dates from command line, exif support.
31  Furniel  453  Open source
Modify and debug APK files for your Android device.
SQL Editor
 Informix Software, Inc.  28  Shareware
An explorer tool for MS SQL Server databases. Find, modify and script code through an intuitive int....
Free JavaScript Editor
12  Yaldex Software  4,968  Freeware
Create and modify JavaScript, CSS, DHTML and Ajax code.
ArcGIS for Desktop Set Shapefile Default Code Page Patch
2  Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.  126  Update
It allows user sites to modify the default code page used in shapefiles.
1  HookyQR  374  Open source
Modify the .jsbeautifyrc file style for Visual Studio Code.
58  xda-developers  20,876  Freeware
RSDLite is a program to install software or code onto an Android device.
SE Bootloader Unlocker
56  quangnhut123  119  Freeware
It is a tool that will automatically get the unlock code for your Android phone.
SimpleLink WiFi Starter Android Mobile App Source
8  Texas Instruments Inc.  21  Freeware
This app installs the Android Source Code required for SimpleLink Wi-Fi Starter.