Apex plugin word character counter

Apex Plugin Word Character Counter

at Software Informer
Word & Character Count Tool

The best word count & character count tool.

A word counter & character counter tool ... report about word count & character count statistics for

Apex Maths Word Problems
 CambridgeHitachi  35  Commercial
Apex Maths Word Problems provides an extensive database of 'story' problems.
Word Frequency Counter
1  Word Frequency Counter  49  Freeware
Word Frequency Counter calculates how many times a word appears in a document.
Google Desktop Plugin - IPS Website Counter
 IPS GmbH  4  Freeware
IPS Website Counter 1.0 is free traffic counter for websites.
See non-reviewed apex plugin word character counter software
More Apex Plugin Word Character Counter
Apex Plugin Word Character Counter in introduction
Character Count Tool
96  The Sky Soft  40  Shareware
Character Count Tool is adept at counting Characters, line, word, pages etc.
33  Ginstrom IT Solutions (GITS)  754  Freeware
CountAnything allows you to chars/word count almost any text file.
Word Frequency Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software
27  Sobolsoft  9
Do word frequency analysis on text and MS Word files.
Excel Word Frequency Count Software
90  Sobolsoft  10
Find frequency of each word in one or many MS Excel files.
Word count plugin for Live Writer
1  Geek Softworks  19  Freeware
Word Count Plugin for Live Writer counts words, characters and paragraphs.
Apex Text to Speech
66  Apex Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.  1,142  Shareware
Apex Text to Speech can read texts in a loud voice through your PC speakers.
Additional titles, containing apex plugin word character counter
Line Count Software
18  WinTech Soft  4  Shareware
Line count tool adept at line, word, character and page count in different files.
PDF Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software
1  Sobolsoft  27  Shareware
Find word and character count as well as frequency of each word in one PDF file.
MS PowerPoint Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software
10  Sobolsoft  7  Shareware
Find word and character count as well as frequency of each word in PowerPoint.
Oblivion - Orrery
10  Bethesda Softworks  3,536  Update
Orrery is a plugin which provides greater powers to the character.
Virindi Follower
 Virindi Plugins  14  Freeware
Virindi Follower is a plugin written to make one character follow another one.
Word Dance
50  Sun Bear Games  4
Engaging word game where you create words and tackle character twists!
2  Advanced International Translations  190  Shareware
AnyCount is an automatic line count, character count and word count software.
Character and Letter Frequency Count Software
88  Sobolsoft  4  Shareware
Count the number of times a character appears in a MS Word or text file.
PractiCount and Invoice (Standard)
1  Practiline Software  Shareware
PractiCount supports word count (line count, character count).
Line Count Mini
 TechnoCom  13  Shareware
Line Count Mini count Line,Word,Page,Character in multiple files.