Linux odbc python

Linux Odbc Python

at Software Informer

Create web and desktop applications using an object oriented language.

Python is an

See non-reviewed linux odbc python software
More Linux Odbc Python
Linux Odbc Python in introduction
wxPython (unicode) for Python
4  wxDesigner  326  Freeware
It contains the infamous wxPython demo, other samples, and wxWidgets docs.
Python - pyodbc
1  Michael Kleehammer  420  Open source
Pyodbc is a tool that provides ODBC database connectivity to Python programs.
Python eGenix mxODBC GmbH  27  Shareware
mxODBC is a poweful Python ODBC Database Interface.
Python pygame
6  Pete Shinners, Rene Dudfield, Marcus von Appen, Bob Pendleton, others  13,112  Freeware
Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games.
Devart ODBC Driver for SQL Server
95  Devart  142  Shareware
ODBC connector to SQL Server database for Windows.
Easysoft ODBC-JDBC Gateway
32  Easysoft Limited  5  Shareware
Easysoft ODBC-JDBC Gateway is available on Linux, Unix and Windows platforms.
Firebird ODBC driver (32/64 bit)
 Devart  Shareware
ODBC connector to Firebird database for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (32/64 bit).
SQL Server ODBC driver (32/64 bit)
78  Devart  4  Shareware
ODBC connector to SQL Server database for Windows, Linux and Mac OS (32/64 bit).
ODBC Driver for SQL Server
 Devart  Shareware
ODBC connector to SQL Server database for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
Additional titles, containing linux odbc python
Recover Data for Linux
 Recover Data  Shareware
Linux Data Recovery Software to recover linux files and salvage linux data.
DTM ODBC Manager
1  DTM soft  328  Freeware
DTM ODBC Manager is a simple and easy-to-use ODBC Data Sources manager.
Stellar Phoenix Linux
 Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.  7  Shareware
Stellar Phoenix Linux - is a fully automatic Linux data recovery software for Ext2 and Ext3 File sys....
QuNect ODBC for QuickBase
1  QuNect, Inc.  17  Shareware
QuNect ODBC for QuickBase is the first ODBC driver for Intuit's QuickBase.
Rapaport price list convertor
 OctoNus Software  14  Freeware
It requires that ODBC is installed together with dBase ODBC driver.
PI ODBC Driver
 OSIsoft, LLC.  41  Freeware
PI ODBC Driver is an ODBC 3.8 API-compliant driver.