Sky map jar touch

Sky Map Jar Touch

at Software Informer
Map Maker

Map Maker is an easy and intuitive tool that can create maps with ease.

can create maps with ... most informative maps with ... creation of maps without ... make creating maps at

SETIspirit Sky Map Extension Pack
 Dirk Schwarting  19  Freeware
The Sky Map Extension Pack is a free add-on for SETIspirit sky map software.
See non-reviewed sky map jar touch software
More Sky Map Jar Touch
Sky Map Jar Touch in introduction
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky
22  GSC Game World  2,595  Commercial
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky is the precuel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Starry Night Sky
3  Bapuli Online  12  Freeware
Starry Night Sky is an astronomical program for Windows.
7  Caglow  211  Open source
Aciqra is an open source virtual sky map and planetarium.
Sky Goofers
8  407
The game takes you back to WW1. In this game, you are a pilot of a aircraft.
Fire In The Sky Screen Saver
1  20  Freeware
Nice photos of clouds, sunsets and other nice images of the sky.
1  Dirk Matussek  374  Shareware
It's an interactive sky map that helps you to find your way in the night sky.
 LiamandMatt  83  Freeware
Can do many things like map backups and lots more minecraft.jar backups.
Additional titles, containing sky map jar touch
Hitonic JAR-Starter
18  Hitonic  219  Freeware
JAR-Starter launches JAR and JAD files in various J2SE and J2MEenvironments.
Jar of Marbles
2  Swift Creek Games  334  Shareware
Playing Jar of Marbles you will have to make marbles vanish from a jar.
Sky Anytime
2  BSkyB  42  Shareware
Sky Player (formerly Sky Anytime PC): Get more out of your Sky!
Sky Ticker
4  British Sky Broadcasting Ltd  10  Freeware
Sky Ticker is a free desktop application from Sky.
Eye&Telescope Beobachtungsplaner
 Oculum-Verlag GmbH  8  Shareware
A software dedicated to deep-sky observers which lets you navigate the sky.
Frozzics Revenge
68  Twilight Games  4  Shareware
The evil wizard Frozzic has trapped all of the Sky Kingdom's magic birds. The Sky Kingdom is falling....
Sky Songs MP3 Downloader
7  Kontiki Inc.  13  Freeware
Sky Songs MP3 Downloader is a download manager for the Sky Songs service.
 neildoh  13  Freeware
Windows based software that can extract recordings from Sky+ and Sky HD system.
SKY-MAP.ORG - Interactive Sky Map
 SKY-MAP.ORG - Interactive Sky Map  1
Night Sky Map Planets Visible Tonight in Katukurunda
 Night Sky Map & Planets Visible Tonight in Katukurunda  1