3d obj architectures

3d Obj Architectures

at Software Informer
luuv trueSpace .OBJ import/export plugin

Luuv is a plugin that enables import and export of Wavefront .OBJ files.

of Wavefront .OBJ files and ... workflow uses .OBJ files there ... . The Wavefront .OBJ file format

9  HS Automatic ApS  Commercial
OBJ INKdraw gives you the power to design messages with ease and flexibility.
SimLab Obj Import plugin for Google SketchUp
 SimLab Soft  7  Shareware
The plugin imports geometries, colors, normals, textures, texture coordinates.
SimLab Obj Exporter From Google SketchUp
 SimLab Soft  1  Shareware
SimLab OBJ from Google SketchUp plugin, enables the user to export OBJ files.
OBJ Viewer
1  Cem Yuksel  91  Freeware
This tool allows you to view obj files from your hard drive.
OBJ mesh to solid
4  resurf  26  Shareware
This program lets the users create NURBS surfaces from the OBJ polygon mesh.
See non-reviewed 3d obj architectures software
More 3d Obj Architectures
3d Obj Architectures in introduction
iClone 3DXchange Trial
10  Reallusion  55  Shareware
3DXchange5 is a robust, streamlined conversion and editing tool.
Bricsnet IntelliCAD 2000 v.2.2
2  Murari Software Solutions  14  Commercial
2D Drafting and 3D Modeling (Partial) CAD software.
Tiger Icon Studio 3D
1  Tiger Softworks  4
powerful 3D and 2D editor, create professional looking Vista or XP style icons.
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture
13  ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG  1,563  Shareware
Create plans for construction projects using innovative tools.
Prisma Architectural Catalogue
1  Prisma Architectural  14  Freeware
Prisma Architectural Catalogue is a free Dialux plugin.
SimLab OBJ Importer for SketchUp
2  SimLab Soft  82  Shareware
It enables you to import OBJ files into Google SketchUp.
Additional titles, containing 3d obj architectures
Obj Exporter For Revit
1  Prototech Solutions  15  Freeware
OBJ Exporter For Revit lets you export solid bodies OBJ file.
AVR Simulator IDE
14  Oshon Software  697  Shareware
It supports microcontrollers from the Atmel megaAVR and tinyAVR architectures.
 Borland Software Corporation  33  Freeware
Together technologies enable you to design maintainable software architectures.
IDEAL Migration
2  Pointdev  13  Shareware
IDEAL Migration allows to migrate 32bit and 64bit architectures.
MatrikonOPC Security Gateway
 MatrikonOPC  5  Freeware
MatrikonOPC Security Gateway secures all real-time OPC architectures.
 Neuroph project  6  Freeware
With this program, you can experiment with common neural network architectures.
ADES Update
 Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited.  2  Freeware
ADeS is a software tool to simulate the behavior of system architectures.
DevTest Solutions
 CA Technologies, Inc.  28  Demo
Provides automated testing solution for distributed application architectures.
5  Keith Young  12  Freeware
This plugin extend Maxon's Cinema .obj file import/export capabilities.
2  Act-3D, B.V.  108  Commercial
The Quest3D can import 3D models in DXF, 3DS, OBJ, DAE, FBX and MAX* format.