Activex control for web counter

Activex Control For Web Counter

at Software Informer
Serial Port ActiveX Control

Control serial ports and manage them and track their activity.

ActiveX Control is a powerful and versatile ActiveX ... component that lets you control ... ActiveX

DjVu ActiveX Control for Microsoft Office
 DjVU  27  Freeware
You will have a better user experience by using this plugin.
Mozilla ActiveX Control
16  Mozilla Foundation  63  Freeware
It's a simple in use component which can add to Windows Mozilla search engine.
See non-reviewed activex control for web counter software
More Activex Control For Web Counter
Activex Control For Web Counter in introduction
ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control
1  ACASystems  43  Shareware
Add different functions to a program using a simple ActiveX control.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MELSEC A ActiveX Control
1  PLC Control Software  42  Shareware
You can read and write Bit, Word, Long, Ascii char string and Wide char string.
HtmlSnap ActiveX Control  Shareware
HtmlSnap ActiveX is a component to convert HTML files, plain text files or Web Archive Format(*.MHT)....
Magneto Software DNS ActiveX Control
1  Magneto Software  51  Shareware
Powerful DNS capable to retreive more than 40 different DNS record types.
Magneto Software Port Scanner ActiveX Control
 Magneto Software  33  Shareware
SkPortScan ActiveX Control is a flexible and powerful port scanner control.
Formulator ActiveX Control (EVALUATION COPY)
 Hermitech Laboratory  3  Shareware
Formulator ActiveX Control is the component edition of Formulator MathML Weaver.
Additional titles, containing activex control for web counter
Vb Tab-Control ActiveX
1  Smart-ActiveX  25  Shareware
VB Tab-Control ActiveX is an advanced, ready and easy to use ActiveX control.
VintaSoftTwain ActiveX Control
67  VintaSoft Ltd.  374  Shareware
VintaSoftTwain ActiveX Control is the high-reliability TWAIN ActiveX component.
Easy Registry ActiveX
4  Smart-ActiveX  18  Shareware
Easy Registry ActiveX is an ActiveX control for software developers.
Basic GUI ActiveX
2  7  Shareware
Basic GUI ActiveX is an ActiveX control for beginners and advancers VBdevelopers.
ICONICS Switch ActiveX
 ICONICS  6  Freeware
ICONICS Switch ActiveX control is designed to work inside any ActiveX container.
SmartVmd ActiveX
 SmartVMD  3  Shareware
SmartVMD ActiveX is an ActiveX control for Video Motion Detection.
ICONICS Gauge ActiveX
 ICONICS  5  Freeware
The Gauge ActiveX control is designed to work inside any ActiveX container.
ComponentOne True DataControl
1  ComponentOne, LLC  92  Shareware
This tool is an ActiveX control that helps you to replace the VB data control.
Wave Encoder/Decoder Controls
 Streamware Development  Shareware
WAV Encoder/Decoder Control is an ActiveX control .
1  Invision Software  3  Shareware
This ActiveX Control is designed to control barcode scanning.