Activex exe server vb6

Activex Exe Server Vb6

at Software Informer
Altiris Notification Server ActiveX (SP3+R13)

A MSI package for the cab installers of the Notification Server.

Altiris Notification Server ActiveX 6.0.6074 (SP3+ ... the Notification Server. The following

Code VB6
6  AGORA Software BV  232  Shareware
It allows you to create better Visual Basic code faster.
See non-reviewed activex exe server vb6 software
More Activex Exe Server Vb6
Activex Exe Server Vb6 in introduction
SmartCode ServerX VNC Server ActiveX
 SmartCode Solutions  18  Shareware
SmartCode ServerX VNC Server control is a VNC server implemented.
AddEmail ActiveX
27  Traysoft Inc.  173  Shareware
It allows you to create text or HTML email messages with attachments.
MP3 Player ActiveX  10  Shareware
The control can be run from VB6, VB.NET, C++, ACCESS.
Audio Encoder Decoder ActiveX
1  14  Shareware
This program is a audio converter OCXs (ActiveX) for programs developers.
Vb Menu ActiveX
1  ocx-activex  24  Shareware
It is an advanced ActiveX control Menu for beginner and advancer VB developers.
Vb Grid ActiveX
1  ocx-activex  10  Shareware
An ActiveX control for a beginner and advancer visual basic developers.
File IO ActiveX
1  Smart-ActiveX  8  Shareware
File IO ActiveX allows you to copy, split and join any file from your program.
Additional titles, containing activex exe server vb6
VB6Tapi  Shareware
VB6 TAPI ActiveX for VB6 / VS6 / ASP.
VB6TTS  Shareware
TTS ActiveX for VB6 / VS6 / ASP.
97  llionsoft  1
ActiveX Server for create Portable Document Format (PDF) files on fly.
 Persits Software, Inc.  5  Shareware
AspPDF is an ActiveX server component for dynamically creating PDF files.
 llionsoft  4  Shareware
PDFDocScout is a ActiveX Server to create Portable Document Format files on fly.
Signum Invenio Document Server (XP)
1  Signum Invenio  Freeware
Document Server is an VB6 intranet/Internet web server delivering content.
1  R.M. de Boer Software  4
ActiveX control that enables you to create 'Windows 2000 style' wizards in VB6.
Chilkat Upload ActiveX
 Chilkat Software Inc  37  Freeware
The Upload ActiveX is used to upload files over HTTP and HTTPS to a web server.
Fifi Chat Server
4  Haicheng Wang  18  Freeware
*Build your own web based chat room on your pc. *Works without web server! *No Java + no ActiveX....
Dupline Data Access
 Carlo Gavazzi  12  Freeware
It consists of two products:Dupline DDE Server and Dupline ActiveX Driver.