Akinsoft cafe plus client windows 7

Akinsoft Cafe Plus Client Windows 7

at Software Informer

It provides you with service for cybercafes, PlayStation, cafes and many other.

AKINSOFT CafePlus is a

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More Akinsoft Cafe Plus Client Windows 7
Akinsoft Cafe Plus Client Windows 7 in introduction
Krisan Cafe Client
 Alexander Prado  265  Shareware
It provides easy to use and secure timer and billing solution.
Cafe Manila
31  Cafe Manila  8,739  Shareware
Cafe Manila is a wonderful management solution for cyber cafes.
iCafe+ Client
3  Connexys Interactive Development Corp.  134  Freeware
iCafe+ is a cafe management system with a simple user friendly interface.
Cafezee Client
15  Primus Global Solutions Pvt Ltd.  1,102  Shareware
It manages the customers and employees of your Internet cafe.
Cafe Manager Pro
3  Vibersoft  38  Shareware
Cafe Manager Pro is a powerful and handy application for managing cyber cafes.
OneRoof CyberCafePro Client
37  CyberCafePro Inc.  1,822  Freeware
CyberCafePro Client enables the customer computers to connect to the server.
handyCafe Client
57  Ates Software & Internet Technologies  28,350
It is an utility deployed on client computer for remote administration protocol.
JSCafe Client Prepaid
JSCafe Client Prepaid is an internet cafe management tool.
Additional titles, containing akinsoft cafe plus client windows 7
Cafe Mahjongg
3  Jenkat Media, Inc.  1,218  Demo
Cafe Mahjongg is a very relaxing cafe-themed mahjongg game.
Think!Cafe Server
2  More Free Software  Freeware
Think!Cafe is a free solution for managing you internet cafe business.
Cafe Dolphin Screensaver
 ArtGameStudio.com  1  Freeware
Have you ever seen a cafe under the ocean water? Now you can see underwater cafe and underwater scen....
Monitor Management - Client
 NSD  13  Commercial
NSD MOM SYSTEM is widely used in the internet cafe (Cyber cafe).
Stone Age Cafe
1  Big Fish Games, Inc.  113  Shareware
Stone Age Cafe is a game where you will help Chucii to manage the tribe´s cafe.
Cafe Designer Sydney
 INTERIORarc  Shareware
Cafe Designer & Cafe Designer Sydney -.
Geo Cafe PC Timer
1  GeoPcTimer  22  Freeware
Geo Cafe PC Timer is free internet cafe administrator software.
121  Martin Prikryl  190,744  Open source
WinSCP is a free SFTP client, FTP client, WebDAV client and SCP client.
Web Cafe Client
1  Rhombus Technologies Pvt. Ltd.  2
inet cafe client
1  inet Softwares  15
Play Cafe Client
 PlayOne Asia  137