Android sdk udp service

Android Sdk Udp Service

at Software Informer
Android SDK Tools

Creates, develops and debuggs Android applications.

Android SDK Tools is a ... for the Android SDK. It includes ... and test Android applications, enabling

Android SDK Search
 Roman Nurik  128  Freeware
Adds an 'ad' omnibox command and view source links for the Android SDK.
See non-reviewed android sdk udp service software
More Android Sdk Udp Service
Android Sdk Udp Service in introduction
Android Offline SDK Package Installer
8  Siddharth Barman  74  Freeware
Android Offline SDK Package Installer allows you to download all packages.
Android Commander
19  PanPiotr from XDA  4,109  Freeware
Android Commander is a small, very fast, and intuitive application for Windows.
Java 2 SDK Standard Edition
56  Sun Mycrosystems Inc  1,056  Freeware
This is a development kit widely used for Server programming using Java platform.
 Amazon Web Services Developer Relations  13  Freeware
It makes it even easier for Windows developers to build .NET applications.
Bonjour SDK
4  Apple Computer, Inc.  3,391  Freeware
With Bonjour SDK you can create applications using built-in network.
Android Injector
84  Harmony Hollow Software  2,884  Freeware
Install apps in your Android phones via a USB cable.
6  Jocala  2,036  Open source
Install programs without Android SDK and manage Kodi installations.
RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/ONVIF DirectShow Source Filter
 DATASTEAD Sarl  Shareware
Directshow filter SDK captures ONVIF, RTSP, RTMP, RTP, HTTP, UDP, RTP, MMS.
BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid
2  Research In Motion Ltd.  48  Freeware
BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid, a front end for the BB SDK for Android apps.
6  SecuGen Corporation  6,825  Demo
SecuBSP SDK Pro provides high-level "Biometric Service Provider" APIs.
Plantronics Hub SDK Runtime
 Plantronics, Inc.  359  Freeware
Install additional files required by SDK to supportPlantronics COM Service.
Additional titles, containing android sdk udp service
PingFu UDP
3  Art of Ping  19  Shareware
PingFu UDP transmits UDP packets encapsulated in the TCP communication protocol.
UDP Test Tool
28  SimpleComTools  606  Freeware
UDP Test Tool is both a UDP packet generator and listening application.
Virtual COM-UDP
 SimpleComTools  9  Shareware
VirtualCOM-UDP is a software based UDP/COM Port Redirector solution.
UDP Win Chat
 bit4free  40  Freeware
The UDP Win Chat can be used as a P2P chat on UDP protocol.
Viscomsoft .Net Video Capture SDK
1  Viscom Software  Shareware
.net video capture sdk, .net web cam sdk, .net capture sdk.
Android SDK
28  Google Inc.  20  Freeware
Android SDK Tools - Afterwards Legacy Support
 Creative Commons Application  1