Apache rtr

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Apache Rtr

at Software Informer
Apache Tomcat

Develop applications using the Jakarta extension of the Java EE platform.

Apache Tomcat is

RTR-50 for Windows
 T&D CORPORATION  21  Freeware
This offers a variety of useful functions for any RTR-5 series data logger.
RTR-5W for Windows
 T&D CORPORATION  14  Freeware
Is the software included with Network-Dedicated Wireless Base Station RTR-5W.
RTR-500DC for Windows
 T&D CORPORATION  42  Freeware
RTR-500DC for Windows is an app for managing data for the RTR-500DC.
See non-reviewed apache rtr software
More Apache Rtr
Apache Rtr in introduction
Apache HTTP Server
48  Apache Software Foundation  13,032  Freeware
Develops and maintains an open-source HTTP server for modern operating system.
Apache Logs Viewer
1  iannet  244  Shareware
Apache Logs Viewer is a graphical monitoring tool for Apache/IIS web servers.
Apache Directory Server
 The Apache Software Foundation  Freeware
ApacheDS is an extensible and embeddable directory server .
1  Falco Software Company  96  Freeware
The palefaces seized the lands of the Apaches.
Apache CouchDB
19  Apache Software Foundation  898  Open source
CouchDB is a web-based database management application.
Additional titles, containing apache rtr
Apache Admin
2  HQware GmbH  5  Shareware
Apache Admin is a management tool to configure Apache Web Server.
228  Apache Friends  311,182  Open source
Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
42  EasyPHP  2,474  Freeware
EasyPHP is a program that installs PHP, Apache and Mysql.
14  VertrigoServ WAMP Server  3,505  Open source
VertrigoServ helps you install Apache and PHP on your server or PC.
36  apples  348  Open source
Install Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.
1  Apache Software Foundation  183  Freeware
IBM HTTP Server is a full-featured web server based on Apache HTTP Server.
1  Zecos Software  6  Freeware
ApacheConf is the shell for configuring Apache web servers.
Typo3Winstaller - TYPO3
 Andreas Eberhard  149  Freeware
TYPO3Winstaller is a free WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP Webserver) package.
 Ink Blot Creations  1  Freeware
Complete, easy to install, pre-configured Apache http server for Windows.
 Alwin Viereck  7  Freeware
WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP - the software.