Basic yed

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Basic Yed

at Software Informer
yEd Graph Editor

yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to drawings of diagrams.

yEd is a powerful

NS BASIC Corporation NS Basic/Palm
 NS BASIC Corporation  2  Shareware
NS Basic/Palm is a complete and powerful development environment.
See non-reviewed basic yed software
More Basic Yed
Basic Yed in introduction
Microsoft Visual Basic
780  Microsoft  41,979  Freeware
If you can imagine a computer program, you can probably create it with Visual Basic Express" !
Microsoft Small Basic
32  Microsoft  11,845  Freeware
Microsoft Small Basic is a simplified version of Visual Basic.
File Renamer - Basic
16  Sherrod Computers  2,462  Freeware
Immediately rename files and directories on your PC.
Oront Burning Kit Basic
1  Oront Software  16  Shareware
Oront Burning Kit Basic is a package with programs for burning CDs and DVDs.
Liberty BASIC
12  Shoptalk Systems  981  Shareware
Liberty BASIC is a piece of software that makes programming Windows easy.
Copernic Agent Basic
11  Copernic  1,732  Freeware
Copernic Agent Basic is a very useful tool for web searches.
Additional titles, containing basic yed
BASIC Stamp Editor
7  Parallax  1,870  Freeware
The BASIC Stamp Windows Editor supports all the BASIC Stamp modules.
Bet Angel - Basic
1  Bet Angel Limited  258  Freeware
Bet Angel - Basic enables you to do basic exchange trading.
Cetus CWordPad
5  Cetus Software Inc.  33  Freeware
It is a basic Word processor including a basic spell checker and thesaurus.
AstroLoka Basic
34  AstroLoka Technologies Pvt Ltd  953  Freeware
AstroLoka Basic: a program for calculating Horoscopes with basic features.
 Delux Software  38  Shareware
Converts most Basic dialects up to Visual Basic 7.
BibleMax Basic English Bible
 BibleMax  104  Freeware
BibleMax Basic returns whatever you want to from the Bible in Basic English.
Basic Math Solved!
 Bagatrix  62  Commercial
Basic Math Solved! takes basic math education to the next level.
NuDesign Visual MIBrowserBasic
 NuDesign Technologies, Inc.  2  Freeware
Visual MIB Browser Basic provides basic support for SNMPv1 and v2.
BBC BASIC for Windows
7  R.T Russell  205  Shareware
BBC BASIC for Windows is an advanced implementation of BBC BASIC for PCs.
BatariBasic Installer
2  Fred X. Quimby  37  Freeware
batari Basic (bB) is a BASIC-like language for creating Atari 2600 games.