Battleship python source

Battleship Python Source

at Software Informer
Battleship Fleet Command

Sink your opponent's fleet by firing in the correct coordinates.

version of “Battleship” is here ... interesting variations. Battleship is the

Battleship Chess
4  ApeZone Inc  20
The next generation of Battleship with ships and submarines that move!
1  Novel Games Limited  283
Strategically place your bombs to sink all the enemy ships.
Battleship 88: Iron Hero
2  Game Creation Society  2  Freeware
Make sure that Battleship 88 arrive safely back home to America.
See non-reviewed battleship python source software
More Battleship Python Source
Battleship Python Source in introduction
Python Bots open source edi translator
 Python Software Foundation  14  Open source
Bots is a fully-functional software tool for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).
378  Python Software Foundation  709,707  Open source
Create web and desktop applications using an object oriented language.
Python - pylint
1  Logilab  2,174  Open source
Analyzes Python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality.
Python numpy
6  Numpty Developers  19,689  Freeware
NumPy is the library to have if you want advanced calculations in Python.
wxPython (unicode) for Python
4  wxDesigner  326  Freeware
It contains the infamous wxPython demo, other samples, and wxWidgets docs.
Python - scipy
2  Python  2,200  Freeware
Python - scipy is open-source program for mathematics, science, and engineering.
Additional titles, containing battleship python source
Python - mingw
 Python Software Foundation  1,063  Open source
Python-MinGW is a set of patches to the python source distribution.
MusicBrainz Picard
22  MusicBrainz  6,469  Open source
An open source cross-platform music tagger written in Python.
61  Kiriakos Vlahos  4,214  Open source
Create applications in Python with an open-source IDE.
1  Frédéric Mantegazza  22  Open source
Papywizard (Panoramic python Wizard) is an open source control program.
 igbsoftware  19  Open source
SqlUtil is an easy to use open source python library.
1  John Cheetham  4  Freeware
gShogi is an open source Shogi game written in Python / PyGTK / C.
 Jon Peirce  302  Open source
PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating psychology stimuli in Python.
Python - elixir
 Gaëtan de Menten, Jonathan LaCour and Daniel Haus  9  Open source
Python - elixir is an open source declarative mapper for SQL Alchemy.
Python - pyparsing
 Paul McGuire  1,503  Open source
pyparsing is an open source general parsing module for Python.
IronPython for .NET
 Microsoft Corporation  24  Freeware
IronPython is an open-source implementation of the Python programming language.