Calculator code for sharp phones

Calculator Code For Sharp Phones

at Software Informer
VB 6 Pure Code Lines Calculator

Calculate PURE code lines (writing manually) for VB6 project (group).

6 Pure Code Lines Calculator! It is ... it to calculate PURE code lines

Resistor Color Code Calculator
4  Daniel Crowe  520  Freeware
Resistor Color Code Calculator is a utility that allows you to find the value.
See non-reviewed calculator code for sharp phones software
More Calculator Code For Sharp Phones
Calculator Code For Sharp Phones in introduction
Usmania Calculator
1  Usmania Code  22  Shareware
Usmania Calculator is a nicer version of a usual calculator.
Sharp Lens Selector
 Sharp Electronics Corporation  10  Freeware
Allows you to calculate throw distance and image size for multimedia projectors.
Resistor Calculator
9  1,280  Freeware
It allows you to calculate resistors and generate its color code.
SHARP PC-LINK Software for EL-9900
SHARP PC-LINK Software for EL-9900 is a tool which configures your product.
Drug Calculations for Health Professionals
4  142  Shareware
Drug Calculations for Health Professionals helps you make common calculations.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Code Metrics PowerTool
 Microsoft Corporation  1  Freeware
Code Metrics PowerTool is a command line utility that calculates code metrics.
C# to Java Converter
1  Tangible Software Solutions Inc.  252  Shareware
C# to Java Converter is a tool designed to convert C sharp code into Java code.
Java to C# Converter
 Tangible Software Solutions  285  Shareware
A program that allows you to convert Java code into C Sharp code.
QR Coder 2010
 HyBing  Shareware
A QR Code is a matrix barcode , readable by QR scanners, mobile phones.
Code Calculators
28  Gerald Newton  69  Freeware
With Code Calculator you can calculate any type of electrical expression.
Blackberry Tool Factory
 Avator Box Team  65  Freeware
A standalone unlock code calculator developed by Avatar Box Team.
GSM-FINDER Dongle Version
9  GSM-FINDER  197  Freeware
A multiple task software having Compatibility Finder, Code Calculator and more.
83  CarProKey  716  Shareware
CarProKey immo pin code calculator can calculate electronic units.
Additional titles, containing calculator code for sharp phones
Code128 Barcode Creator
 Lars Sams  10  Shareware
Allows you to create Code 128, Code 128A, Code 128B, Code 128C barcodes.