Cami maths company

Cami Maths Company

at Software Informer
CAMI Maths

CAMI Maths enables students to do several sums per minute.

CAMI Maths enables students

CAMI Perceptual Skills Builder
6  CAMI Mathematics Programming: Richard Larkin  128  Commercial
A child with well-developed perceptual skills and will acquire new skills.
CAMI Literacy
 CAMI Education (Pty) Ltd  171  Commercial
CAMI Literacy is designed for the learner who works at his/ her own pace.
See non-reviewed cami maths company software
More Cami Maths Company
Cami Maths Company in introduction
Arthur's Math Games
6  The Learning Company  39  Commercial
Arthur`s Math Game is a wonderful innovative way of making kids learn MATH.
Smart Math Calculator
7  Runiter Company, Saeid Nourian  1,068  Shareware
Define variables and solve mathematical equations and functions.
CAMI Science
1  CAMI Education (Pty) Ltd.  188  Shareware
CAMI Science is a science learning application for students.
CAMI Turbo Tables
5  CAMI Education  127  Freeware
CAMI Turbo Tables is an extra math training tool for your child.
Mighty Math Number Heroes
3  The Learning Company  80  Commercial
Mighty Math Zoo Zillions
2  Edmark Corporation and Harcourt Brace & Company  58  Commercial
Mighty Math Zoo Zillions is a basic math skills practice game for early learners.
Additional titles, containing cami maths company
3  univie  82  Freeware
maths online tries to implement modern didactic concepts of maths study.
Maths Pack 1
1  Ideal Resources  116  Commercial
Make your maths lessons dynamic and bring protractors and maths tools to life.
Maths Island 1
 Macroworks Pty Ltd.  1  Commercial
Maths Island 1 is an effective maths software program.
Computer Classroom at Home Maths Ages 7-10
 Edalive  3  Commercial
Computer Classroom at Home Maths Ages 7-10 teaches maths.
Relate Company Secretary
 Relate Software  9  Commercial
Relate Company Secretary managies company returns and company registers.
Math Circus Act1
9  Greygum Software  Commercial
Maths Circus combines the circus with the thrill of solving maths problems.
Manic Maths Crazy
 Edalive  79  Commercial
Manic Maths is a crazy and fun way to learn maths.
Manic Maths Insane
 Edalive  70  Commercial
Manic Maths Insane is the zaniest games in the Manic Maths series.
Rapid Maths
 Pearson Education Limited.  36  Commercial
Rapid Maths will help your struggling learners catch up in maths.
Maths Tracker
 Aiseanna Software  9  Commercial
Maths Tracker is a computer-based Maths Diagnostic program.
CAMI EduSuite
 CAMI Education (Pty) Ltd.  123