Chat autoreply program

Chat Autoreply Program

at Software Informer

AutoReply sends pre-written responses to your incoming e-mail.

AutoReply sends pre-

Gtalk Autoreply
1  codegeeks  44  Freeware
You can use Gtalk Autoreply to set a custom message for all your auto replies.
Crypto Chat 4 Skype - A simple Crypto Chat for Skype (TM)
11  SOFT & ARTS ( Crypto Chat 4 Skype)  19  Freeware
Allows users to have secure, encrypted conversations over the Skype network.
See non-reviewed chat autoreply program software
More Chat Autoreply Program
Chat Autoreply Program in introduction
Chit Chat Toolbar
9  Chit Chat  188  Freeware
Chit Chat Toolbar has in-built, editable list of search engines for Firefox & IE.
123 Flash Chat Server Software
33  TopCMM Software Corp.  1,071  Shareware
123 Flash Chat is a powerful web based chat program.
Friendly Chat
1  Andrey Kilievich  51  Freeware
Friendly Chat is a LAN chat client with IRC support.
Chit Chat For FaceBook
90  ChitChat  3,502  Freeware
Chit Chat For FaceBook is an instant messenger (IM) application.
Safe Chat
4  Zihtec  2  Shareware
Safe Chat will let you control who chats with your children through any IM.
14  Peter Zelezny  329  Freeware
XChat is an IRC Chat/Client software that allow us to join to IRC channels.
Additional titles, containing chat autoreply program
OMessenger Server Pro Manager
 Srimax Software System  30  Shareware
OMessenger Server Pro is a powerful chat server program.
x Chat Free
94  15
x Chat Free is a private one-to-one real-time TTS chat program for Intranet.
86  TheAcme
ATSA Chat is a simple chat program. You can listen radio when you are chatting.
 Tribal Voice, Inc.  1  Freeware
A Real Time Chat program enabling you to chat with over2,000,000 other PowWow users from around the....
 R. Rollet  Freeware
A text-based chat program, with a lot of advanced features: MultiChat mode (chat with more than one....
EchoLink Chat
43  Pornchai Semjang, HS2JFW, Joe  6  Freeware
EchoLink Chat is a program to use for easy chat interface for Echolink.
Online Chat Client  2  Freeware
Chat Client is software which functions as a client chat program over the IP.
Eyeball Chat
35  Eyeball Networks Inc.  1,229  Freeware
Eyeball Chat 2.20.1323.0 is an Instant Messenger program through Internet.
AOL Desktop
333  AOL Inc.  28,892  Freeware
This program helps you stay connected with AOL Mail and chat on AIM.
14  LeadMind Development  623  Freeware
PopMessenger is a network-messaging program for chat and file exchange.