Clamav engine in j2me

Clamav Engine In J2me

at Software Informer
ClamAV for Windows

Very fast and nice anti virus that uses on cloud and community-based technology.

Clam AV for Windows is an anti-virus that uses cloud and community-based technologies to protect

J2ME Animation Tester
1  Graphic Reality Ltd.  10  Freeware
Designed to make life easier when creating animation graphics.
See non-reviewed clamav engine in j2me software
More Clamav Engine In J2me
Clamav Engine In J2me in introduction
Moon Secure Antivirus
6  MoonSecure  232  Open source
It offers multiple scan engines, net shield, firewall, on access and much more.
3  NetCop Software  Freeware
NetCop is UTM, UTM Firewall, ClamAV Antivirus, Web Cache and Content Filter.
ClamWin Free Antivirus
13  ClamWin Project Team  539  Open source
ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.9 is an open source antivirus for Microsoft Windows.
Digital Catholic Bible
17  Digital Catholic Bible Development Team  489  Freeware
Gives you access to the digital form for the Old and New Testaments.
ClamMail proxy
 BranSoft  4  Open source
POP3 email proxy for Windows with integrated ClamAV antivirus engine.
7  Martin Knafve  2,382  Open source
Email server supporting IMAP, POP3 and SMTP protocols.
CS Antivirus
4  CreaSoftware  113  Open source
Compact anti-virus application based on the open-source ClamAV engine.
Additional titles, containing clamav engine in j2me
87  JAM Software GmbH  16  Freeware
Spamfilter & Antivirus for Outlook&Outlook Express Vista(SpamAssassin,ClamAV).
2  GoMyTEAM LLC.  84  Shareware
MyJAL is the number one Nextel Motorola iDEN J2ME java application.
RSS Reader
1  165
J2ME (Java Enabled/ME) Mobile/Cell phone RSS/News/Blog Reader.
25  Tangram Team  48  Shareware
Historical puzzle of developed Chinese origin for Nokia Series 40 and 60 that J2ME contains with pro....
Softick jApploaderSE
2  Softick software  48  Shareware
Allow you to upload Java applications and games (J2ME) to your Samsung phone.
 Goetz Schwandtner  21  Freeware
MicroCalc, a J2ME spreadsheet (midlet), for java enabled handsets, phones, PDA.
 Tim Tyler  1  Freeware
Built on a pure Java™ font-rendering technology targetted at J2ME.
MIDlet Pascal
1  Niksa Orlic  3  Open source
MIDletPascal is specifically suited for development of J2ME midlets.
Motorola iDEN SDK
1  Nextel Developer Program  6  Freeware
It supports building and emulation of J2ME apps for the iDEN platform.
SecureAPlus ClamAV
 SecureAge Technology  313
ClamAV Desktop
 Ivan Gabriele  1
Motorola SDK for J2ME
1  Motorola, Inc.  5