Convert kml to ais

Convert Kml To Ais

at Software Informer
KML Color converter

You can pick and mix colors and get the respective codes in 7 systems.

help of KML Color Converter you ... in 7 systems: KML, RGB, VB

KML Path Measurer
 Whaleycopter  56  Freeware
This application will measure paths in Google Earth, either saved in KML Files.
KML Editor
8  NorthGates Systems  303  Freeware
KML Editor 1.6 easily creates and edits KML files to be viewed in Google Earth.
KML ScreenOverlay Maker
3  6  Freeware
It's a software that lets you create a screen overlay from a graphic file.
KML Generator
6  Jacob Madsen  148  Open source
Helpful utility which enables you to easily analyze GPS log files.
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KML To CSV Converter Software
1  Sobolsoft  49  Shareware
Offers a solution to users who want to convert one or many KML files into CSVs.
KMLCSV Converter
6  Choon-Chern Lim  1,065  Open source
It can convert between Google Earth KML files and CSV files.
TCX Converter
608  DDAAXX  12,419  Freeware
TCX Converter allows converting between TCX and other files.
Able Batch Converter
1  GraphicRegion  341  Shareware
It is a program that enables you to convert images in a batch.
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate
103  Wondershare Software  101,269  Demo
Download and convert videos from YouTube and other websites.
KML/KMZ to GPX Converter
13  41  Freeware
Easy way to convert Waypoints from KMZ or KML to GPX file format.
22  csv2kml  60  Freeware
csv2kml is a free program to convert csv files to kml format.
ESurvey KML
1  ESurveying Softech (India) Pvt Ltd.  165  Shareware
ESurvey KML is a program designed to convert drawings to Google Earth files.
Additional titles, containing convert kml to ais
SiiTech AIS Server Lite
 SiiTech  30  Freeware
AIS Server is a software tool for a wide range of AIS users.
KML Feature Extractor
51  Warp Engine Software  55  Shareware
KML Feature Extractor is designed to extract the features of KML/KMZ files.
AiS Watermark Pictures Protector
81  Watermarker  46  Shareware
AiS Watermark Pictures Protector is a professional watermarking tool.
AIS Offline Application
6  Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore  3  Freeware
Allows employers under the AIS to prepare and submit their employees' income.
1  Y-tronic  20  Shareware
Yacht - AIS Standard is the solution for those who want to see other vessels.  7  Open source is a Java based application to receive AIS information from vessels.
AIS Simulator
2  Mats Kågstrøm  20  Shareware
It is designed to simulate AIS data for up to 10 Class A vessels.
2  Roger L. Greene, PhD, Robert C. Brown, Jr., PhD  3  Commercial
The MMPI-2 AIS produces a comprehensive interpretive report.