Crossword in scribus

Crossword In Scribus

at Software Informer

It brings professional page layout to Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, etc.

Scribus is an ... -friendly interface, Scribus supports professional

Crossword Wizard
2  Rush Software  48  Shareware
It provides different puzzle types that can be generated from one word.
71 Inc.  44  Shareware
Allow your users to play this Scrabble(c)-style game on your site.
Crossword Construction Kit
2  Insight Software Solutions  89  Shareware
Crossword Construction Kit lets users produce professional looking puzzles.
Crossword Express
5  AUS-PC-SOFT Shareware  40  Freeware
Crossword Express is a wonderful set of puzzles and crosswords.
Crossword Compiler
8  WordWeb Software, Antony Lewis  805  Shareware
A program that lets you create your own puzzles and word games.
Art of Japan Crossword
21  Art of Game Software  Shareware
One of the most comfortable and easy-to-use program for solving Japan Crosswords (puzzles also known....
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Super Crossword Creator
1  Super Crossword Creator  65  Shareware
It designed for teachers and crossword enthusiasts.
Infinite Crosswords
1  uclick LLC / Playtonium Games  304  Shareware
Play and solve almost infinite different crosswords from famous newspapers.
Crossword Forge
9  Sol Robots  1,169  Shareware
It is a program that allows you to easily create word games.
Crossword Weaver
1  Variety Games Inc  369  Shareware
A handy utility that allows you to create challenging crosswords in no time.
Crossword Maestro
3  Genius 2000 Software  47  Shareware
Crossword Maestro solves and explains cryptic and non-cryptic crosswords.
Boatload of Crosswords
8  Boatload Puzzles, LLC  127  Shareware
Boatload of Crosswords is a crossword puzzle game.
Additional titles, containing crossword in scribus
61  Toni Stojev  81  Shareware
It is a crossword authoring software with crossword editing and solving tool.
Clueless Crossword
43  Novel Games Limited  7  Freeware
Clueless Crossword is a simple but challenging crossword game.
Lex Venture A Crossword Caper
2  Interama  4  Shareware
Lex Venture: A Crossword Caper mixes features of board crossword games.
BeCrossword for PalmOS
 BeOcean  Shareware
Be Crossword is a Palm application for getting and solving crossword puzzles.
Crossword Publisher
62  KAD Software  4  Shareware
Crossword Publisher that was designed to create custom crossword puzzles.
Crossword Creator 2
 Alan’s Editing  2  Freeware
With Crossword Creator 2 you may create custom crossword puzzles.
Crossword Buddy for Pogo
 Play Buddy, LLC.  49  Shareware
Crossword Buddy is an auto and crossword puzzle solving program.
76  Lab Free Technologies  30  Freeware
Klest-crossword is a program for creating crossword puzzles.
17  Green Eclipse  5,652  Freeware
Software for creating crossword puzzles fast and easily.
Word Slinger
27  GameHouse  40,964  Shareware
Word Slinger combines elements of Scrabble with a crossword-style puzzle.