Custom soviet cursors

Custom Soviet Cursors

at Software Informer
Axialis AX-Cursors

Ax -cursors is an utility for the creation of cursors for our operating system.

Ax -cursors is a great ... creation of cursors for our ... configuration of cursors. Very easy ... as cursors

See non-reviewed custom soviet cursors software
More Custom Soviet Cursors
Custom Soviet Cursors in introduction
 S  1  Freeware
Did you ever dream about having a nice (and so easy touse) program to (automatically and randomly) c....
RealWorld Cursor Editor
31  RealWorld Graphics  10,376  Freeware
A tool for creating and editing your MS Windows cursor files.
10  Attila Kovrig  130  Freeware
AniFX is a cursor editor for windows with cursor creation, editing, extraction.
90  Stardock Systems  1,515  Freeware
CursorXP allows you to use and create nice cursors for Windows XP and 2000.
SC Icon Editor
4  Software Club  27  Freeware
SC Icon Editor allows you to create and edit your icons and cursors in a snap.
Additional titles, containing custom soviet cursors
SID Icon In Depth
 Sound In Depth  Shareware
A program for editing and creating icons, cursors and animated cursors - using the common editing to....
Icon Maker
2  Lohengrin Software  134  Freeware
Icon Maker can edit and creat icons, cursors and animated cursors - using the common editing tools a....
31  Skerryvore Software Ltd  4  Freeware
TWAIN compliant for importing Editor for Icons Cursors and Animated Cursors.
4  Digitope  4
Create and edit icons, cursors, favicons, folder icons, and animated cursors.
Icon In Depth
 soundindepth  16  Shareware
Create and edit icons, cursors and animated cursors.
 EZthemes  Freeware
A set of tweety cursors, it is so cool and comes with 2 animated cursors.
 Scubagrl  Freeware
Whales of Waialua - Original icons, animated cursors and static teal cursors.
BPS Icon Maker
 BulletProofSof  1  Freeware
Icon Maker is a program for edit and create icons, cursors and animated cursors.
Operation Flashpoint
11  Bohemia Interactive  1,955  Shareware
Takes you through a fictional conflict between NATO and renegade soviet forces.
No One Lives Forever 2
1  Monolith Productions, Inc.  405  Commercial
Cate Archer must investigate a super-secret Soviet project.