Delphi7 crosshair

Delphi7 Crosshair

at Software Informer

CrossHair draw two lines intersecting your mouse cursor, just pressing a hot key.

thanks to CrossHair

Black Crosshair Installer
 FunnyBrainPain  11  Freeware
If this utility is installed on counter strike you will have a BLACK CROSSHAIR.
See non-reviewed delphi7 crosshair software
More Delphi7 Crosshair
Delphi7 Crosshair in introduction
OMC ModPack
3  Odem Mortis  284  Freeware
OMC ModPack is a free mod designed for the World Of Tanks game.
1  42  Freeware
This is the first multi-lingual version of xyscan.
 Sven Drieling  Freeware
MouseCursors is a nice tool write in java to show the mouse cursor.
Bazzaz Z-Mapper
 Bazzaz  254  Freeware
Bazzaz Z-Mapper is a powerful tuning platform program.
13  amirhossein azarang  398  Freeware
This software is a simple software not complicated to use.
Desktop Zoom
5  LittleGemsAdmin  21  Freeware
Desktop Zoom helps sightless or partially sighted people to use Windows.
Additional titles, containing delphi7 crosshair
RK Autofighter
1  Haste & BamBam  2  Freeware
Take the color crosshair and put it over your monster you wish to attack.