Digit recognition scilab

Digit Recognition Scilab

at Software Informer

Scilab is a mathematical computing program similar to MATLAB.

Scilab is a mathematical ... less features. Scilab is an

Chameleon SDK Scilab
 chameleon Synth Net  1  Freeware
SciLab is a powerful open software tool compatible with Matlab.
SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation
 AmsterCHEM  29  Freeware
The SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation.
FFTW Library for scilab-5.1.1
 Matteo Frigo  23  Freeware
FFTW is a GPL software, developed by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson.
SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import
 AmsterCHEM  23  Freeware
This SciLab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN data packages.
See non-reviewed digit recognition scilab software
More Digit Recognition Scilab
Digit Recognition Scilab in introduction
WIDI Recognition System
24  Music Recognition Team  5,380  Shareware
WIDI Recognition System can help you convert audio to MIDI.
Sony Digital Voice Editor
30  Sony Corporation  1,150  Freeware
Designed to import messages from a Sony IC recorder.
Bytescout Graph Digitizer Scout
81  ByteScout  63  Shareware
This program allows you to convert hard copy graphs, charts and plots.
DigitalPersona Gold Fingerprint Recognition Software for Java
7  DigitalPersona®, Inc.  702  Update
An update that removes a bug from DigitalPersona Gold SDK Java applications.
ABBYY Recognition Server
96  ABBYY  44  Demo
An efficient automated OCR server and document capture software.
Auditory and Visual Picture Recognition
 Parrot Software  3  Shareware
Auditory &, Visual Picture Recognition A random selection of six pictures.
VeryUtils VeryUtils Digit OCR Solution
 VeryUtils.com Inc.  Freeware
Digit OCR Solution for Handwritten and Printed Digit Recognition.
Additional titles, containing digit recognition scilab
3  Voice Tech Group, Inc.  202  Shareware
tazti is a powerful speech recognition and voice recognition program.
TBO Advanced Chart Pattern Recognition
1  TimBukOne  10  Shareware
Advanced Chart Pattern Recognition is a powerful Pattern Recognition system.
2  Sanmaxi Inc.  33
Record all what you digit on your keyboard.
GS1 Check Digit
1  GS1  142  Freeware
The Check Digit is the last number encoded in a barcode symbol.
Super Logic Game
 AlphaCom, Inc.  1  Freeware
A Mastermind clone. The computer chooses a digit code between 4 and 6. Your task is to guess the cod....
Barcode Singles EAN 13
 Fontware Ltd.  2  Shareware
EAN 13 is a barcoding standard which is a superset of the original 12-digit UPC.
DigitFX Trading
1  HS  2  Freeware
Digit FX strives its best for clients to be satisfied with trading process.