Ecw convert to shapefile

Ecw Convert To Shapefile

at Software Informer
CSV to Shapefile Converter

This is a tool for converting CSV ("Comma Separated Value") files.

a tool for converting CSV ("Comma ... , into ESRI Shapefiles, the format

AutoCad DXF to Shapefile Converter
 Christopher Michaelis  5  Commercial
The converter includes a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Manco Shapefile Editor
42  Manco Software  14  Shareware
A powerful tool for creating and editing ESRI shape and KML files.
ArcGIS for Desktop Set Shapefile Default Code Page Patch
2  Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.  126  Update
It allows user sites to modify the default code page used in shapefiles.
See non-reviewed ecw convert to shapefile software
More Ecw Convert To Shapefile
Ecw Convert To Shapefile in introduction
JD Rx Converter
1  Deere & Company.  12  Freeware
JD Rx Converter convert shapefile prescriptions into a readable format.
KML2SHP Converter
11  Srinivas  15  Freeware
Kml2shp is a software that transforms KML files into ESRI Shapefiles.
GPX Converter for ArcGIS 9.x
 mappamondogis  2  Commercial
The application that allows for easy conversion of your GIS data.
AnyChart Map Converter
 AnyChart.Com Software  18  Freeware
Convert ESRI ShapeFiles (.shp) into the special AMAP format.
12  VextraSoft  822  Shareware
Convert raster images to vector formats for graphics and GIS tools.
 Cogent3D  18  Freeware
LocalConnect includes tools to automatically convert your source data.
2  GPS Area Measurement  45  Freeware
It can help you to convert a DXF file to ESRI Shapefile.
Additional titles, containing ecw convert to shapefile
gSpatial Toolbar
 Relational Logic  Freeware
import, display & manipulate ESRI shapefile data.
 VDS Technologies  55  Freeware
Merge two or more shapefiles or TAB files into a single shapefile.
 Dan Rathert  2,032  Freeware
This VB tool overlays a point shapefile or point coverage on a raster layer.
 Digital Earth Pty Ltd  20  Freeware
Locate all ECW files stored in any local folder, including sub-folders.
ECW for MapInfo
1  MapImagery Pty Ltd  2  Freeware
ECW for MapInfo is a raster handler plugin for MapInfo Professional and MapX.
ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 Plug-in for Firefox & Chrome
 ERDAS  43  Freeware
The ECW JPEG 2000 plug-in allows you to view high quality aerial photos.
ERDAS ECW for ArcGIS Desktop
3  ERDAS, Inc.  84  Freeware
ERDAS ECW is a plugin used with Arcgis desktop software.
ERDAS Image Compressor 2014
 Intergraph Corporation  15  Freeware
Compress imagery data to ECW and JPEG2000 file formats.
 Hexagon Geospatial  17  Demo
GeoCompressor is a tool to rapidly compress imagery data to ECW.