Endgame studies pgn download

Endgame Studies Pgn Download

at Software Informer
PGN Mentor

PGN Mentor is a program for viewing, searching, and analyzing chess games.

PGN Mentor is a ... can download various chess games a PGN ... mode for PGN files and

ChessTool PGN
12  Guillermo Gajate  236  Freeware
ChessTool PGN is a freeware application, reads and writes chesss games.
See non-reviewed endgame studies pgn download software
More Endgame Studies Pgn Download
Endgame Studies Pgn Download in introduction
ChessBase Reader
96  ChessBase GmbH  3,727  Freeware
Open chess games database files and play through the games.
Chess Opening Trainer
12  Chess Technologies  62  Shareware
This is an ideal program to practice and improve your chess skills.
Happy End
 Beppi Menozzi  1  Freeware
Test your skills and get a rating in the great board game Othello, alias reversi, by trying to solve....
17  Pascal Georges  1,710  Open source
SCID is an application to view, edit, and manage collections of chess games.
Personal Chess Trainer
18  Sersoft Informática  204  Shareware
The most efficient way to improve your chess. Tactics, Strategy & Endgames train.
Additional titles, containing endgame studies pgn download
20  WMLSoftware  548  Freeware
With ChessPad Create, view and edit PGN databases.
27  DGT Projects  4  Commercial
view & publish PGN chess databases.
Comprehensive Chess Endings
This is a fundamental program for studying endgame theory.
1  BK Chess  Commercial
Gives you a better and more comprehensive access to the endgame databases.
Nemesis Professional
4  Nemesis.Info  3  Freeware
Nemesis endgame databases contain information about all positions in the game.
 DGT Projects  9  Freeware
RabbitQueen reads the games from the DGT EBoard and converts them into PGN.
Chess Endgames - Fundamental Knowledge
2  CHESS KING Affordable Chess Software and Education  157  Commercial
It provides more than 300 practical chess endgame exercises.
3  FinalGen  59  Freeware
FinalGen is a chess endgame tablebase generator for Windows.
Zamora Personality Test
 Antonio Zamora  31  Freeware
Zamora Personality Test studies our individual and social attributes.
Muslim Explorer
15  Ekabakti  222  Freeware
Muslim Explorer is professional freeware which makes it easier Islamic studies.