Examples of dog records

Examples Of Dog Records

at Software Informer
Puppy Toes Dog Records

Keeps Basic Dog Information, Parents Information, Additional Information.

Ability to customize the breeding and medical listview row colors. (Useful when not using gridlines.

Retro Records
 Sortasoft  14  Demo
Retro Records is an original arcade game in which you catalog records.
Holy Macro! It's Excel VBA Examples
4  MrExcel  3  Commercial
AMAZING collection of 2,500 VBA examples in a question-and-answer format.
See non-reviewed examples of dog records software
More Examples Of Dog Records
Examples Of Dog Records in introduction
Dog Record Pro
34  SoftwareScripts  7  Freeware
Keep Your Dog's Valuable Information Handy on Your Own Computer!
Pedigree Assistant for Dogs
4  Tenset Technologies Ltd  20  Shareware
is a pedigree and record keeping program for breeders.
Bully Dog Data Logger V
 Bully Dog Technologies  57  Freeware
The datalogger will record the data from your vehicle you select to monitor.
Dog Manager
 Design Idioms  2  Commercial
DogBiz Manager software was exclusively developed for pet dog trainers.
GetClub Dogs and Fishes
 GetClub  3  Freeware
GetClub Dogs and Fishes is a fun action game where you have to eat all bananas.
Ranch Manager Canine Edition
 Lion Edge Technologies  5  Shareware
It is designed for livestock guardian dogs and purebred dog record keeping.
Additional titles, containing examples of dog records
Del123 Collection of Delphi examples
32  Del123 and SoftwarePR  21  Shareware
Database examples and applications, Rave reports examples, and more.
Dog Breeder Pro
4  Cloudy Apple Software (pty) ltd.  8  Freeware
Dog Breeder Pro is a usefull software that helps you find any dog.
File Dog
 Edge Publishing Inc.  Shareware
With File Dog you just select the files you want, set an event time, then forget it. File Dog wakes....
Pug Dog Licking Screen Cleaner
9  Bit Wise Publising  26  Freeware
Pug Dog Licking Screen Cleaner shows an animation of a dog licking your screen.
The Ultimate Dog Breeding Software
 The House of Wagging Tails  4  Shareware
The Ultimate Dog Breeding is a feature-rich application for all Dog Breeders.
Sound Editor Deluxe
3  SED Systems Inc.  2,093  Shareware
Records audio data from various inputs like microphone, vinyl records, etc.
UniCharts EMR
1  UnisonCare Corporation  14  Shareware
Keeps records of medical records and provides the tools to manage a clinic.
 Radwag  Commercial
E2R Weighing records keeps weighing records on Radwag scales.
EDraw Soft Diagrammer
1  EDrawSoft  39  Shareware
Professional UML Diagrams and Software Diagrams Drawing Tools with Examples.
EMX Javascript Professional
3  eMatrixSoft  26
Resource with free JavaScript examples for cut and paste into web pages.
pandas.DataFrame.sortvalues - Examples - Spark By Examples
 pandas.DataFrame.sort_values() - Examples - Spark By {Examples}  1
Pre-1841 Census Records National Records of Scotland
 Pre-1841 Census Records _ National Records of Scotland  1