Free modular art program

Free Modular Art Program

at Software Informer
Hidden World of Art 2 Undercover Art Agent

Hidden World of Art 2: Undercover Art Agent is a hidden-object game.

World of Art 2: Undercover Art Agent

See non-reviewed free modular art program software
More Free Modular Art Program
Free Modular Art Program in introduction
Pop Art Studio
25  Fotoview  1,879  Shareware
Create Pop Art in the famous Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein Styles.
Photo Art Studio
46  AMS Software  5,785  Shareware
Simple and easy-to-use utility to enhance and frame your favorite shots.
ASCII Art Studio
8  TorchSoft  337  Shareware
ACII Art Studio is a application to create images to ASCII characters pictures.
Album Cover Art Downloader
11  Sami Kyöstilä  541  Freeware
Album Cover Art Downloader downloads CD disk covers from musical web sites.
CD Art Display
20  CloseToSoftware  935  Freeware
CD Art Display shows the current song cover in a skinnable display.
Art Plus Wallpaper Calendar LITE
1  Art Plus Marketing & Publishing  6  Freeware
Art Plus Wallpaper Calendar Lite 5.0 displays calendar on your desktop.
Additional titles, containing free modular art program
EZ-Forms-TexasRealEstate TestDrive
 EZX Corporation  2  Shareware
EZ-Forms-TXRE is a state of the art program for real estates persons.
 Hufnagel Software  Freeware
Symmetoy2 is a symmetric art program,very simple to use.
68  David Nečas and Petr Klapetek  2,233  Open source
Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM data visualization and analysis.
19  Solar Energy Lab, UW-Madison  979  Demo
A transient systems simulation program with a modular structure.
 Web Ideas International  2  Freeware
Bionetica is the only program for the I-330 modular that works on Windows XP.
GPS-X Demo
2  Hydromantis Inc.  2  Demo
GPS-X is a modular, multi-purpose computer program.
Uniwell Lynx Basic
 Lynx Software Pty Ltd  1  Demo
A modular software solution with options from simple program management.
1  Dynagram  25  Demo
inpO2 is a powerful, modular PDF imposition program.
Kaivo Samples and Patches
 Madrona Labs, LLC  12  Freeware
It is a free program designed with the Kaivo semi-modular synthesizer.
7  Apophysis Team  330  Freeware
This program gives you an opportunity to make an impressive fractal flame art.