Freebasic und win64

Freebasic Und Win64

at Software Informer

A high-level programming language with syntax similar to QuickBASIC.

FreeBASIC is a high- ... fact, the FreeBASIC project originally

See non-reviewed freebasic und win64 software
More Freebasic Und Win64
Freebasic Und Win64 in introduction
4  Alexander Roshal  45  Freeware
Win64 emulates the Commodore 64 on WIndows NT &95/98. Allows playing of thousands of C64 gamesdownlo....
Chant ProfileKit Win64 Developer Edition
 Chant Inc.  Shareware
Essential components and samples so you have everything you need.
11  Logiciels/Informatique, Jacob Navia  17  Freeware
The compiler system, featuring compiler, linker, assembler, resource Editor.
Chant GrammarKit Win64 Developer Edition
1  Chant Inc.  Shareware
Shift your applications into high gear with speech recognition grammars.
Additional titles, containing freebasic und win64
365 by DTgrafic
 DTgrafic GmbH  2
Desktopkalender und Wallpaper-Manager mit Bildschirmschoner und weiteren Tools.
 Albert Varaksin  197  Freeware
FBIde is opensource IDE for the FreeBASIC compiler.
TSampleDisplay3D Tutorial
 3delite  Freeware
A component for use in Win32 (9x/ME/2K/XP/Vista/W7) and Win64 software with BASS.
PEBrowse64 Professional
 Russell Osterlund  97  Freeware
It displays both Win32 and Win64 executables, native, managed and mixed.
MP3 Editor Library
1  3delite  11  Freeware
MP3 Editor Library is a component (.dll) for use in Win32 and Win64 software.
PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive
 SmidgeonSoft  40  Freeware
PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive lets you debug Win32/Win64 executables.
abylon BASIC
6  abylonsoft  267  Shareware
Easy CRYPT- und ZIP-Solution for signing, encrypting and compressing of files.
VNC QuickDesk
 Securicor Bankenservice GmbH  3  Freeware
Front-end for the VNCviewer. Allows your computer to look and feel like pc anywhere. Now running und....
 Valeri Vlassov  2
Die Datenbank mit allen PLZ, BLZ und KFZ f.
PC Sound Recorder and Editor
63  10  Shareware
Sound Recorder und Editor.