Full rosary prayers tagalog

Full Rosary Prayers Tagalog

at Software Informer
Excel Convert Files From English To Tagalog and Tagalog To English Software

Convert MS Excel files from English to Tagalog (Philippines) and vice versa.

Convert MS Excel files from English to Tagalog (Philippines) and vice versa

Virtual Rosary
11  Michael Monteleone  143  Freeware
Virtual Rosary 5.2 is a free, catholic guide through the rosary.
Rosary Screen Saver
4  Alexander G. Styopkin  4
Rosary Screensaver - White, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow Roses.
The Holy Rosary - Ave Maria
 Scott Swanson  12  Shareware
This program assist the user in the recital of the Rosary from start to finish.
Tagalog Translator
13  Stefan van Roosmalen  375  Freeware
A dictionary with a score-based search algorithm for translating English-Tagalog.
BibleMax Tagalog Ang Biblia
39  BibleMax  195  Freeware
Read the Holy Bible in Tagalog, one of Philippines' languages.
See non-reviewed full rosary prayers tagalog software
More Full Rosary Prayers Tagalog
Full Rosary Prayers Tagalog in introduction
eChaplet of Divine Mercy
 Advanced Prayer Technologies  12  Freeware
Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with this free program.
6  BibleDatabase  64  Freeware
A good Bible viewer with some interesting features.
Salaat Time
44  Salaat Time  8,392  Freeware
Calculates Muslim prayer times and Qiblah direction for anywhere in the world.
26  KAB Software  7  Shareware
Keep your private diary or journal in the most secure and convenient way.
Islamic Portal Pro
81  Al-Qalam Software  45  Freeware
Advanced Islamic prayer times, calendar, Full version - Totally free.
80  EasiSlides  2,545  Freeware
A simple and useful presentation tool that helps you project slideshows.
Additional titles, containing full rosary prayers tagalog
L-Lingo Tagalog (Filipino) Professional
4  L-Ceps Ltd.  1  Shareware
Learn how to read Tagalog, how to write Tagalog, and how to speak Tagalog.
Free Tagalog Movies Pinoy Live Tv Toolbar
8  Free Tagalog Movies Pinoy Live Tv  2  Freeware
Stay connected and get so much more with Tagalog Movies Pinoy Live Tv Community.
3  SesameSoft  318  Freeware
Alnaseeha constantly reminds Muslims to say their Azkar prayers.
I Can Read the Prayers in Hebrew
 Lev Software  1  Shareware
A reading program that features over 220 Sabbath and Daily Prayers and Blessings.
Delta Minaret
2  Delta Software  Freeware
Delta Minaret offers you all the flexibility you need for a prayers clock.
Prayers from the Bible
4  CIL Software  104  Freeware
Prayers from the Bible is a program for anyone who wants to study the Bible...
 JRCM ™  Shareware
How To Get Your Prayers Answered is a nice and interesting book.
56  Munadi.org  35  Open source
Calls for Muslim prayers, 5 times a day, calculating it using libitl.
Prayers Gadget
2  Mohammed Hawa  102  Freeware
Displays prayers time and shows Islamic religious events, also, has a calendar.
The Textorcist The Story of Ray Bibbia
 Headup GmbH  8  Commercial
Exorcise demons by typing out specific prayers that appear on the screen.