Funciones y programas de una tablet

Funciones Y Programas De Una Tablet

at Software Informer

Gestion de personal a turnos. Cuadrantes, graficos, estadisticas.

Gestion de turnos de personal. ... estadisticas. Copias de seguridad. Multiples ... tipos de turno y

See non-reviewed funciones y programas de una tablet software
More Funciones Y Programas De Una Tablet
Funciones Y Programas De Una Tablet in introduction
3  Oliware  115
Calculadora de bolsillo. Unidades Fisicas. Estadisticas. Grafico de funciones.
Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK
1  Microsoft Corporation  159  Freeware
Information you need to develop applications for Microsoft Windows XP Tablet.
Primary Tablet
62  PencilPoint Software  23  Shareware
Primary Tablet prints whatever you type in your choice of primary tablet formats.
Tableta Wacom
3  Wacom Technology Corp.  4,775  Freeware
Expand the capabilities of your Tablet PC with Tableta Wacom.
Tablet Commander Lite
1  TabletUtils  11  Freeware
Tablet Commander Lite is a free version of Tablet Commander Pro.
Additional titles, containing funciones y programas de una tablet
Samsung Tablet Recovery Pro
15  LionSea Software inc  136  Shareware
Samsung Tablet Recovery Pro aims at recovering files of Samsung Tablet.
Tablet Pro
 Lovesummertrue Software  171  Freeware
Tablet Pro allows you to transform your tablet into a track-pad.
270  Paltalk  5,311  Freeware
Chat face-to-face with up to 10 friends on any PC, browser, phone or tablet.
4  ParaGraph  78  Shareware
A handwriting recognition program for Windows-based computers & Tablet PCs.
6  CompanionLink Software, Inc.  1,650  Shareware
Synchronizes your PC data to your Phone and Tablet.
PC Notes Taker
1  Pegasus Technologies  60  Freeware
PC Notes Taker is a program for transferring text from your tablet to your PC.
NJStar Chinese Pen
2  NJStar Software Corp.  127  Shareware
Write Chinese characters using your mouse or tablet.
Dictionary Tool for Tablet PC
3  Microsoft Corporation  13  Freeware
You can customize the dictionary your Tablet PC to interpret your handwriting.
Microsoft Ink Desktop for Windows Vista
3  Microsoft Corporation  6  Freeware
If you have a Tablet PC, you’ll love using Ink Desktop.
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