Fuzzy ahp calculation using matlab

Fuzzy Ahp Calculation Using Matlab

at Software Informer
NeuroSolutions for MATLAB

It is a MATLAB add-in that is easy-to-use and intuitive.

MATLAB neural network toolbox is a MATLAB ... intelligence inside MATLAB. The software

AHP SoLver
 MHDM  22  Freeware
Organizes and analyzes complex decisions based on mathematics.
See non-reviewed fuzzy ahp calculation using matlab software
More Fuzzy Ahp Calculation Using Matlab
Fuzzy Ahp Calculation Using Matlab in introduction
MatLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import
4  AmsterCHEM  18  Freeware
The package defines the interfaces to communicate with CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic.
Matlab CAPE OPEN Unit Operation
3  AmsterCHEM  Freeware
It helps you to introduce your calculations in Matlab.
Multiflash Interface for MATLAB (R2007a)
 Kelvin Hales Associates Ltd.  1  Demo
Multicomponent equilibrium calculations for a wide range of substances.
92  MathWorks  2,834  Demo
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a simulation package for engineering applications.
Match Calculator
 Practiline Software  6  Freeware
A freeware for freelance translators and translation agencies.
 ACPA  20  Freeware
FuzME is a PC Windows program for calculation of Fuzzy k-means.
Additional titles, containing fuzzy ahp calculation using matlab
MATLAB Production Server
3  The MathWorks, Inc.  422  Demo
MATLAB Production Server lets you run MATLAB programs.
Super Decisions
54  Creative Decisions Foundation  1,387  Freeware
Decision-making tool using the AHP and ANP methodologies.
#Calculation Component (Trial)
56  XoYo Software  5  Shareware
#Calculation component is a powerful calculation engine for your applications.
7  6
This calculation program on Excel makes it possible to dimension and carry out the calculation of th....
Gerbil Drop!
 Selectsoft Publishing  7  Commercial
This is a place inhabited by small fuzzy animals that like to have fun.
Subject Search Scanner
63  Kryloff Technologies, Inc.  9
Performs fuzzy searches in files, e-mail and nested archives in 39 languages.
Transcriber CE
 Microsoft Corporation  13  Freeware
Transcriber employs advanced fuzzy logic and neural net techniques.
Grr! Bearly Sane
 David LLoyd  Freeware
Grr! Bearly Sane puts you the fuzzy shoes of Daniel.
2  INFORM GmbH  218  Demo
fuzzyTECH is a development tool for Fuzzy Logic systems.
MathWorks - Makers of MATLAB and Simulink - MATLAB Simulink
 MathWorks - Makers of MATLAB and Simulink - MATLAB & Simulink  2