Hanyu pinyin and english niv bible

Hanyu Pinyin And English Niv Bible

at Software Informer
Compton's Interactive Bible NIV

An excellent reference tool for exploring the Bible.

Compton's Interactive Bible - New International ... studying the Bible or just ... the complete Bible text and

BibleMax Contemporary English Version Bible
 BibleMax  2  Commercial
BibleMax module featuring the Contemporary English version of the Bible.
See non-reviewed hanyu pinyin and english niv bible software
More Hanyu Pinyin And English Niv Bible
Hanyu Pinyin And English Niv Bible in introduction
BibleMax Geneva Bible 1587
 BibleMax  Commercial
BibleMax module featuring the Geneva version of the Bible.
Bible Reader
17  Olive Tree Bible Software  23  Freeware
Read and study different Bible versions and other texts with this program.
BibleMax Scrivener Textus Receptus Bible
 BibleMax  12  Freeware
Biblemax add-in featuring Textus Receptus, a Greek version of the New Testament.
Logos Bible Software
13  Logos Bible Software  4,032  Freeware
A very comprehensive free program to read and study the Bible.
PocketBible New International Version (NIV)
2  Laridian  11  Commercial
New International Version is a translation of the Bible created by 100+ scholars.
HanYu Dictionary
1  HanYu Team  41  Freeware
Is a small, simple and easy to use 2 ways Chinese-English dictionary.
Additional titles, containing hanyu pinyin and english niv bible
PocketBible NIV with Cross References (NIV)
 Laridian  4  Commercial
The NIV Bible with complete NIV Study Bible Notes, cross references.
PocketBible NIV Study Bible Notes (NIVSBN)
 Laridian  4  Commercial
NIVSBN includes complete NIV Bible text with cross-references and introductions.
American Standard Version (ASV)
2  Laridian  12  Freeware
American Standard Version is an American version of the English revised Bible.
 bpe  7  Freeware
Hanyu is an easy program to practice Chinese hanzi characters, and pinyin.
Pradis: NIV Study Bible Fully Revised
12  Zondervan  7  Commercial
NIV Study Bible FR is an electronic software library program of Bible Study.
Speaking Pinyin
 Moosenose Industries  10  Freeware
Speaking Pinyin is a speaking chineese english dictionary.
BibleMax World English Bible
 BibleMax  4  Commercial
BibleMax module featuring Word English Bible, a modernized version of the Bible.
Free King James Bible
16  Media Freeware  232
The King James Bible is an English translation of the Christian Bible.
PocketBible Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
7  Laridian  7  Freeware
Young’s Literal Translation is a transcription of the Holy Bible into English.
The Holy Bible - Tamil-English
318  TamilChristian  2,098  Freeware
Read, study and compare the Bible in Tamil and English with this program.
Free Niv Bible
2  Media Freeware  1,799  Freeware
NIV Bible Study
 OkiDokyApps.com  1
John 3 NIV Bible YouVersion
 John 3 NIV Bible YouVersion  1