Igloo smilies and emotions

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Igloo Smilies And Emotions

at Software Informer
Faronics Data Igloo

Allows users to redirect data folders or registry keys to a Thawed partition.

Faraonics, Data Igloo is a software

igloo opensource
 iglooyha  83  Open source
It is designed for easily publishing ISIS database to the web.
Igloo Security PRO
 Igloo.Pro  10  Shareware
Improves your PC’s performance and helps you protect your device.
See non-reviewed igloo smilies and emotions software
More Igloo Smilies And Emotions
Igloo Smilies And Emotions in introduction
1  Sagu Soft  133
Make your e-mail messages and forum postings.
6  Sofrayt  303  Shareware
A huge collection of different smileys for your IM programs and webpages.
EZ Emoticons
2  MSN Emoticons  66
The best Emoticon add-on for MSN Messenger 6 and 7!
1  Axmo Inc.  4
MSN, Yahoo & ICQ multi IM with P2P search & download from Kazaa, edonkey.
75  Y!Supra  666  Freeware
It lets you connect to your Yahoo! account and get in touch with your buddies.
Emotions Display Pictures
 Sherv.NET  1  Freeware
This program will add more emotions to your MSN chats.
Additional titles, containing igloo smilies and emotions
4  Actel Corp  83  Shareware
FlashPro provides in-system programming (ISP) for all FPGAs in the IGLOO Series.
3  Abelssoft  58
Include cute little Smilies, animated Cartoons and other images into your emails.
Easy GIF Animator Pro
3  Karlis Blumentals  436  Shareware
Software allowing you to create animated smilies and banners.
Facebook Smileys
8  PC Gizmos LTD  60  Freeware
It adds emoticons, smilies, smileys to the Facebook chat.
Emotions and Moods
1  HiYah  13  Freeware
This package contains most common emotions and their opposites.
SeeStorm Messenger
 SeeStorm  4  Freeware
Exciting communication tool: talk naturally over the Net plus visually communicate emotions and faci....
 Rival  Freeware
If you are looking for extreme emotions, just visit this online casino.
15  Dolphin Oceanic Ltd.  1,937  Shareware
An artificial intelligent chatter bot with its own voice, memory and simulated emotions, you can wri....
Sticky Photo 2004
 Times Software Studio  Shareware
Sticky Photo 2004 helps you to create the funniest photo stickers by simply capturing your emotions....
Michael Jackson Icon Pack
5  Sherv.NET  2  Freeware
This program includes many emotions of Michael Jackson.
EMB Igloo Extreme
 EMB Software Limited
EMB Igloo Professional
 EMB Software Limited
Towers Watson Igloo Enterprise Bridge
 Towers Watson Software Limited  1