Java m3u creator

Java M3u Creator

at Software Informer
M3U Creator

M3U Creator adds and edits meta tags for your MP3 files.

M3U Creator is a program to create and edit ... M3U and

See non-reviewed java m3u creator software
More Java M3u Creator
Java M3u Creator in introduction
Java Script MouseOver Creator  16  Freeware
The purpose of this program is to enable non-JavaScript.
Java 3D
40  Oracle  4,367  Freeware
It is an API used to create rich 3D graphics for Java applications and applets.
DJ Java Decompiler
41  Atanas Neshkov  3,132  Freeware
It is a Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP disassembler and decompiler for Java .
Easy Java to Source Converter
5  Armenian Dictionary Software Inc.  174  Shareware
Easy JAVA to Source Converter is a powerful decompiler and disassembler.
Java 2 SDK Standard Edition
56  Sun Mycrosystems Inc  1,056  Freeware
This is a development kit widely used for Server programming using Java platform.
Java Sudoku
4  45  Open source
Java Sudoku is a Sudoku game entirely made in Java.
Playlist Creator
4  oddgravity  1,579  Freeware
Application for creating playlists with your favourite songs.
Aspose.OMR for Java
 Aspose  Shareware
Java OMR Creator & Parser Library.
35  Slashback Associates, Inc.  Shareware
m3uEdit is a robust m3u playlist creator/editor. Drag-n-drop between files.
51  DobySoft  62  Shareware
It is a comprehensive and lightweight Java creator.
Additional titles, containing java m3u creator
81  Arne Brachhold  74  Freeware
M3U COPiER is a small tool for MP3 player which copies the content of a M3U list.
MPQ's M3U Player
5  MPQ-Software  85  Freeware
MPQ's M3U Player enables you to load and play your favorite M3U files.
 Copyright (c) 2000-20031999  Shareware
Tag&M3U allows you to easily edit ID3 Tag on multiple files or make playlist by only a few mouse cli....
2  AZASOFT  12  Freeware
It is the ideal tool to creat and play easely a full of M3U playlist files.
DioneSS Playlist Editor
10  Dione Software Solutions  44  Shareware
Multi-function M3U Playlist Editor,ID3 Tag Editor and MP3 Utility.
M3u to HTML Converter
1  Zach Bardon  47  Freeware
A handy, versatile program to convert m3u playlists into HTML.