Javier canoco

Javier Canoco

at Software Informer
Canoco for Windows

Canoco for Windows is a tool for ordination in ecological applications.

generation of Canoco software, ... ecological applications. Canoco for Windows ... data. Canoco for Windows

46  Microcomputer Power  234  Commercial
Canoco was designed for ecologists, but Canoco has also been used in toxicology.
NextUp-ScanSoft Javier Mexican Spanish Voice
1  NextUp Technologies, LLC  238  Commercial
The most natural-sounding Text to Speech voice available, with spanish accent.
Vocalizer Javier from Claro Software
 Claro Software  16  Freeware
Vocalizer Javier is a Spanish/Mexican voice extension for ClaroRead program.
See non-reviewed javier canoco software
More Javier Canoco
Javier Canoco in introduction
The Walking Dead A New Frontier Episode
 Telltale Games  78  Commercial
Includes access to all five episodes in this all-new series.
1  Petr Smilauer  36  Freeware
CanoDraw does not have any hard-set limits on the size of datasets you analyze.
TWINSPAN for Windows
5  Petr Smilauer  250  Freeware
This software implements divisive classification method named TWINSPAN .
WinKyst Add-On
 Petr Smilauer  5  Freeware
This software will add non-metric multidimensional scaling method.
1  Petr Smilauer  70  Freeware
This software adds non-metric multidimensional scaling method.
2  Javier Santo Domingo  34  Open source
Is a Pascal language suited for development of mobile applications.
1  Plant Research International
Canoco for Windows update
3  Biometris, Wageningen and Petr Smilauer, Ceske Budejovice  174
ENV Teaching Application - Canoco
 Microcomputer Power  3