Kid mesh obj

Kid Mesh Obj

at Software Informer
OBJ mesh to solid

This program lets the users create NURBS surfaces from the OBJ polygon mesh.

from the OBJ polygon mesh. The ... polygon mesh file formatted by .obj ... the polygon mesh, the NURBS

luuv trueSpace .OBJ import/export plugin
1  Clinton Grant  Freeware
Luuv is a plugin that enables import and export of Wavefront .OBJ files.
9  HS Automatic ApS  Commercial
OBJ INKdraw gives you the power to design messages with ease and flexibility.
SimLab Obj Import plugin for Google SketchUp
 SimLab Soft  7  Shareware
The plugin imports geometries, colors, normals, textures, texture coordinates.
SimLab Obj Exporter From Google SketchUp
 SimLab Soft  1  Shareware
SimLab OBJ from Google SketchUp plugin, enables the user to export OBJ files.
OBJ Viewer
1  Cem Yuksel  91  Freeware
This tool allows you to view obj files from your hard drive.
See non-reviewed kid mesh obj software
More Kid Mesh Obj
Kid Mesh Obj in introduction
Spin 3D Mesh Converter
1  NCH Software  2,178  Shareware
Converts between different file formats containing 3D objects.
OBJ File Import for AutoCAD
 CodeDog Technologies  6  Demo
Obj File Import for AutoCAD is a Wavefront file import plug-in for AutoCAD.
Mesh To Solid
4  SYCODE  66  Shareware
Mesh To Solid - Software to convert a mesh to a solid.
Mesh Importer
 CodeDog Technologies  17  Shareware
An AutoCAD plugin that imports a 3D mesh from Stl, OBJ, Ply and Off file types.
Font to Mesh Express Converter
1  Anakele Vision and Design, Inc.  28  Commercial
FMEC adds Unprecedented functionality to Poser by reading TRUE TYPE font files.
4  Paolo Cignoni  2,824  Open source
Edit, clean, fix, inspect and convert 3D triangular meshes.
OBJ4CAD 2004  Shareware
Import OBJ file and create lines, faces, points, polyface mesh, etc.
Additional titles, containing kid mesh obj
Obj Exporter For Revit
1  Prototech Solutions  15  Freeware
OBJ Exporter For Revit lets you export solid bodies OBJ file.
58  Astoundit Software  6  Commercial
Tons of kid-friendly tools, all in a fully integrated kid-safe environment.
EKS MESH: Falling Hero
 KaSeR  5  Shareware
MESH:Falling Hero is the third game in the MESH:Hero series.
EKS MESH: Hero Defiant
 Everett Kaser Software  5  Shareware
MESH:Hero Defiant is a sequel, or companion product, to MESH:Hero's Hearts.
Mesh Viewer 2009
 Nowhere Studios  1  Freeware
Mesh Viewer is a OGRE .mesh file type viewer for Windows XP & Vista.
FSGenesis Nevada 19m Terrain Mesh for FS2004
 FSGenesis  Commercial
FSGenesis Nevada 19m Terrain Mesh for FS2004 is a terrain mesh.
FSGenesis Mississippi 19m Terrain Mesh for FS2004
 FSGenesis  Commercial
FSGenesis Mississippi 19m Terrain Mesh for FS2004 is a terrain mesh.
49  resurf  6  Shareware
MeshFlatten software can unfold a 3D mesh to be a 2D mesh.