Malayalam text found

Malayalam Text Found

at Software Informer
Varamozhi Malayalam Editor

Transliterate words from English to Malayalam with this free program.

Malayalam is the ... to the Malayalam alphabet in ... into its Malayalam equivalent

See non-reviewed malayalam text found software
More Malayalam Text Found
Malayalam Text Found in introduction
Google Malayalam Input
86  Google Inc.  1,014  Freeware
Invaluable, snappy tool allowing to use the Internet in Malayalam.
inspector text
61  PrecisionCalc  2
Extremely powerful search & replace worksheet formula functions for MS Excel.
Paraben's Text-To-Voice
41  Paraben Corporation  3  Shareware
Paraben's Text-to-Voice 2.0 is a text reader for Windows computers.
PDF Files Text Extractor
95  AlgoLogic  172  Shareware
Extract the text from your PDF documents for editing and later reuse.
PDF to Text Converter
1  Sobolsoft  386  Shareware
Extract content from one or many PDF files and save as text files.
Additional titles, containing malayalam text found
Thoolika Unicode Fonts
13  Supersoft  565  Freeware
You can input Unicode standard Malayalam text in any Unicode compatible software.
Database Find and Replace
 Bullzip  11  Shareware
Searches for text or can replace the found text with another text string.
Microsoft Indic Language Input Tool for Malayalam
26  Microsoft  1  Freeware
This app allows you to insert Malayalam language text into Windows programs.
Media Resizer
25  113  Shareware
Search files fast. Open, move, zip found files. Replace text too.
Find In Context
66  iNetPrivacy Software Ltd.  4  Shareware
Automatically shows relevant text fragments found with NEAR keyword search through local/LAN files...
Wirelexsoft VistaMax IDE
 Wirelexsoft  2  Commercial
It packs in all features found in a conventional text-based IDE.
Create Multiple Files From List (Text File) Software
1  Sobolsoft  5  Freeware
Create multiple files based on full file paths found in one or many text files.
 HIOKI E.E. Corporation  20  Shareware
When converting data to text, the application was found to freeze.
Create Multiple Folders From Text File List Software
39  Sobolsoft  3  Shareware
Create multiple folders or subfolders based on paths found in a text file.
Create Multiple Files From Text File List Software
79  Sobolsoft  8  Shareware
Create multiple files based on full file paths found in one or more text files.