Mingw and mfc merge

Mingw And Mfc Merge

at Software Informer
FTP Client Engine for C/C++

Connect to any FTP server from within your C/C++ application.

FTP component library for C/C++ and for (.NET) C++/C# provides direct control of the FTP protocol

See non-reviewed mingw and mfc merge software
More Mingw And Mfc Merge
Mingw And Mfc Merge in introduction
All in One File Splitter Merger
 Split Merge Pvt. Ltd.  10  Shareware
A small free tool to split and join large files for an easier distribution.
22  MinGW  1,664  Open source
A base suite of command line tools for Windows users.
A-PDF Merger
9  A-PDF.com  6,517  Shareware
Merge multiple PDF and image files into a single PDF document.
6  Graphicutils  818  Freeware
A simple graphic utility for overlaying two images or text.
Araxis Merge
12  Araxis Ltd.  2,558  Shareware
Advanced 2 and 3-way file comparison (diff), merging and folder synchronization.
Additional titles, containing mingw and mfc merge
 ComponentSpot  1
MFC classes to add flat, non-3D, ?water-color? Office XP-style GUI to MFC apps.
Brother MFC-9125CN
 Brother  26  Freeware
Brother MFC-9125CN is a driver for the MFC-9125CN color printer.
Outlook PST Merger
 MailConverterTools  Shareware
Merge the PST data in different methods such as Merge PST, Join PST and Merge contacts.
OGRE SDK for C::B + MingW
1  The OGRE Team  2  Freeware
This SDK uses a modified version of libstdc++ with MingW gcc 3.4.5.
1  Manubee  63  Freeware
A tool that provides an Integrated Development Environment for MinGW.
Sally - A Simple C++ IDE
 AFAIK  10  Open source
It's a very useful solution for users of the Mingw or Visual C++ compiler.
2  Cesar Strauss  10  Freeware
MinGW is a port of the free GCC compiler to Windows.
Wascana C/C++ IDE for Windows
 cdtantl  6  Freeware
Wascana is based on the MinGW (Minimal Gnu for Windows) gcc and g++ compilers.
 MateAR.eu  25  Freeware
MinGW / MSYS includes the core components plus a set of libraries.
Python - mingw
 Python Software Foundation  1,063  Open source
Python-MinGW is a set of patches to the python source distribution.