Pitch deep cubase

Pitch Deep Cubase

at Software Informer
Funny Voice

Change the pitch of your voice in real time with the possibility of recording.

your voice pitch. Unfortunately, the ... the seven pitch levels available

See non-reviewed pitch deep cubase software
More Pitch Deep Cubase
Pitch Deep Cubase in introduction
Antares Voice Thing!
 Antares Audio Technologies  3  Demo
It allows you to add sound effects to your voice and use it in any program.
Blue Cat's Chorus DX
 Blue Cat Audio  5  Freeware
It changes the original sound and creates deep pitch modulation.
Super Mega Baseball Extra Innings
 Metalhead Software Inc.  41  Commercial
It packs ultra-tight batting/pitching mechanics and a deep baseball simulation.
Blue Cat's Chorus RTAS
 Blue Cat Audio  9  Freeware
Blue Cat's Chorus RTAS provides single voice vintage chorus effect.
52  Electronic Arts  168  Freeware
FIFA 07 is a videogame based on the sport of soccer.
Additional titles, containing pitch deep cubase
Pitch Train
1  None  12  Shareware
Pitch Train is for learning perfect pitch. The user selects notes to be used for quizzing, and Pitch....
Hearing Range Checker
61  Mu-tech Co., LTD  13  Freeware
It checks your ability of hearing high pitch sound and low pitch sound.
Pitch Pipe Bagpipe Tuner
 Pitch Pipe Products  21  Shareware
The Pitch Pipe Bagpipe Tuner is real-time pitch detection tuning app.
GritTec's Pitch Shift
3  GritTec Ltd.  Demo
GritTec's Pitch Shift technology is used for pitch scale modification of speech.
 VirSyn Software Synthesizer  2  Shareware
Pitch shifter for natural pitch and formant manipulation of vocal sounds.
Perfect Pitch Pursuit
55  Smartwave Software  6  Shareware
The goal of Perfect Pitch Pursuit game is to create the perfect pitch.
Pitch n Time FE
 Serato  19  Shareware
Pitch 'n Time FE is a time stretching and pitch-shifting program.
66  AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin  5  Demo
Learn to take over a pitch to your voice. Produce the same pitch with precision.
Pitch Ability Test
12  AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin  4  Freeware
Measure pitch take over and pitch retention.
JMT Orchestrator
 Jasmine Music Technology  96  Shareware
An ultimate MIDI FX arranger for SONAR, Cubase and Finale, based on advanced technologies of Musical....