Prolog code for weather forecasting

Prolog Code For Weather Forecasting

at Software Informer
Weather Watcher Live

Watch the weather conditions of the world live with this program.

from different weather stations around ... display the weather information from ... the weather station

See non-reviewed prolog code for weather forecasting software
More Prolog Code For Weather Forecasting
Prolog Code For Weather Forecasting in introduction
 Prolog.NET  13  Freeware
An application that provides seamless integration between .NET and Prolog.
Weather Stats
 BirdCage Software  10  Freeware
A small freeware application that polls real time weather statistics.
Weather Forecast
9  eXs Corporation  316  Shareware
Weather Forecast will bring you all the weather data you need.
Severe Weather Alerts
12  Weather Notifications, LLC  17,822  Shareware
If threatening weather is heading your way, this tool will warn you.
Channel 3 Weather Wizard
 BIA Information Network  3  Freeware
A weather and news alert program for Northern Ohio viewers.
Digital Atmosphere
1  Weather Graphics Technologies  179  Shareware
Digital Atmosphere is a powerful weather forecasting program. Cirrus
17  AccuWeather, Inc.  2,868  Commercial
An IPad application for weather forecasting, GPS, satelite images and much more.
69  Thomas J. Ehrensperger  32  Shareware
WXSIM is a software for modeling, forecasting, or simply studying weather.
SICStus Prolog
2  SICS  60  Shareware
The SICStus Prolog compiler produces portable, optimized virtual machine code.
Weather1 Lite
2  KellySoftware  2  Shareware
Weather1-Lite allows you to track weather conditions for your zip code.
 Daniel Ernstes  2  Freeware
The Metar-Decoder changes the Metar-code into a weather report.
35  Dan Oross Consulting  16  Freeware
Retrieves local weather for any configured ZIP code.
Additional titles, containing prolog code for weather forecasting
GNU Prolog
4  Daniel Diaz  1,188  Freeware
GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains.
5  Logic Programming Associates Ltd  6  Demo
WIN-PROLOG is the leading Prolog compiler system for Windows-based PCs.
2  SWI-Prolog  3,030  Freeware
SWI-Prolog offers a comprehensive free Prolog environment.