Python finance

Python Finance

at Software Informer
Python python-libtorrent-0.15.0

A Cbittorrent library designed to run on anything from embedded systems.

comes with python bindings and

See non-reviewed python finance software
More Python Finance
Python Finance in introduction
378  Python Software Foundation  709,707  Open source
Create web and desktop applications using an object oriented language.
Python comtypes
1  Python  3,980  Open source
A pure Python COM package based on the ctypes ffi foreign function library.
wxPython (unicode) for Python
4  wxDesigner  326  Freeware
It contains the infamous wxPython demo, other samples, and wxWidgets docs.
Metalogic Finance Explorer
5  Metalogic Software  406  Freeware
Manage your personal finances, including loans, cash, bank accounts, and stocks.
Python - py2exe
3  Thomas Heller  2,163  Freeware
It is a great utility that allows you to create an executable Pythons script.
Python numpy
6  Numpty Developers  19,689  Freeware
NumPy is the library to have if you want advanced calculations in Python.
Additional titles, containing python finance
Alzex Personal Finance Pro
7  Alzex software  931  Shareware
Alzex Personal Finance Pro is an elegant, super-easy home finance tool.
Mini Finance Calculator
27  FarsightSoft, Inc.  48  Shareware
Mini Finance Calculator is a great and easy-to-use Finance calculator.
finPOWER Connect
 Intersoft Systems Limited  19  Demo
A finance software system designed for the Lending and Finance industry.
Python pywin32-210
1  Mark Hammond (et al)  2,055  Freeware
Python pywin32-210 is a set of Python extensions for Windows.
Need For Eat
2  Alawar Entertainment  4  Shareware
Need For Eat - Python Return. Python Tournament on Your Desktop!
Python cgkit-2.0.0alpha8
 mbaas  14  Freeware
The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a collection of Python modules.
Python (Stackless)
 Richard Tew  1  Freeware
Stackless Python is an enhanced version of the Python programming language.
OpenOPC for Python
1  Barry Barnreiter  65  Open source
OpenOPC for Python is an easy-to-use OPC library for use with the Python.
Eclipse - Pydev
1  Fabio Zadrozny  101  Freeware
PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python development.
Python - h5py
1  Andrew Collette  2,178  Open source
HDF5 for Python is a Python interface to the HDF5 library.
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 State Pension_ Deferment can increase payments and it can be done even while claiming _ Personal Finance _ Finance _
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 Premium Bonds_ NS&I August prize draw imminent - check and claim prizes _ Personal Finance _ Finance _  1