Python microsoft ocs module

Python Microsoft Ocs Module

at Software Informer

Create web and desktop applications using an object oriented language.

Python is an

See non-reviewed python microsoft ocs module software
More Python Microsoft Ocs Module
Python Microsoft Ocs Module in introduction
Python - PyWavelets
 Python Software Foundation  563  Freeware
Computing Approximations of wavelet and scaling functions.
Microsoft Transliteration Utility
4  Microsoft  139  Freeware
Useful free utility for simple one-to-one transliteration between languages.
Microsoft Visual Basic
780  Microsoft  41,979  Freeware
If you can imagine a computer program, you can probably create it with Visual Basic Express" !
Python pymssql-0.8.0
 Damien Churchill  Freeware
Pymssql is the Python language extension module for Microsoft SQL.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code
15  Microsoft Corporation  323,681  Freeware
A source code editor with built-in support for JavaScript.
Additional titles, containing python microsoft ocs module
Python pyscard-1.6.12
 Jean-Daniel Aussel  31  Open source
Pyscard is a python module adding smart cards support to python.
 Bruce Sherwood, Steve Spicklemire  1,022  Open source
VPython is an easy-to-use 3D graphics module for Python.
Python - formlayout
1  Pierre Raybaut  2,173  Freeware
formlayout is a tiny Python module for creating form dialogs/widgets.
Python - pyparsing
 Paul McGuire  1,503  Open source
pyparsing is an open source general parsing module for Python.
Python pyserial-2.5
 Chris Liechti  213  Freeware
Python pyserial is a module that encapsulates the access for the serial port.
Python - scikits.learn  24  Freeware
Scikit-learn is a Python module integrating classic machine learning algorithms.
Python crcmod
 Ray Buvel  107  Open source
Is a Python module for generating objects that compute the (CRC).
 Anthony Tuininga  64  Open source
cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle.
Python WMI
 Tim Golden  48  Open source
Python WMI module is a lightweight wrapper on top of the pywin32 extensions.
Python mlpy-3.5.0
 Davide Albanese  11  Open source
Python module for Machine Learning built on top of NumPy/SciPy and of GSL.