Quran meaning in urdu word by word

Quran Meaning In Urdu Word By Word

at Software Informer
Quran in Ms Word

It lets you add Quran texts and translations into a Word document.

Quran in MS Word adds a menu ... searching the Quran for “ ... MS Word documents. Finding Quran translations

See non-reviewed quran meaning in urdu word by word software
More Quran Meaning In Urdu Word By Word
Quran Meaning In Urdu Word By Word in introduction
Quran With Tafseer
22  Muhammad Kashif  1,912  Freeware
A utility for studying the Holy Quran in Arabic, Urdu and English.
Qir'at Quran Reciter for PCs
6  Guided Ways Technologies  143  Freeware
Read, listen and chant the Quran Suras with this complete and useful player.
Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary
103  Cleantouch Software Corp.  9,557  Freeware
A comprehensive and easy-to-use Urdu-English dictionaty.
Wordinn English to Urdu Dictionary
80  Wordinn  8,493  Freeware
Free application for translating Urdu into English and vice versa.
Word Magic Professional Suite Premier
5  Word Magic Software  3,026  Shareware
It provides all the translation products in a single streamlined package.
Word Magic Translator Professional
10  Word Magic Software Inc.  503  Shareware
It's a software designed to help you get the perfect translation.
Additional titles, containing quran meaning in urdu word by word
Word by Word - Genesis
 TES, Inc  7  Commercial
Word by Word teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word.
Urdu Hangman Game
 CRULP  21  Freeware
This is an urdu version of the classic word puzzle.
2  UrduKit Inc.  837  Shareware
UrduKit is a useful bundle of Urdu software for word processing and web design.
Solitaire XP Championship
 Selectsoft Publishing  11  Commercial
Solitaire XP Championship gives new meaning to the word "solitaire.".
English Malayalam Dictionary
111  MindVision Software  15,430  Freeware
This extension will show the meaning of English word in Malayalam.
Word Search
72  Novel Games Limited  369  Freeware
You need to search for a word that matches a given meaning.
My Free Translator Toolbar
3  Abingerdale, Ltd.  99  Freeware
You can translate any text, convert any unit, check the meaning of any word etc.
Shubha Downloader
1  Shubha Labha  39  Open source
The word Shubha itself means “auspicious” and Labha meaning “profit”.