Reading summaries logs

Reading Summaries Logs

at Software Informer
Drivers Daily Log

A program that implements the requirements of the FMCSR.

Drivers Daily Log (DDL) program ... Status - the Log Book. DDL ... ' Driver's Daily Log format, and

See non-reviewed reading summaries logs software
More Reading Summaries Logs
Reading Summaries Logs in introduction
 Summary.Net  11  Shareware
Summary provides web server log analysis and traffic monitoring.
Kiwi Log Viewer
 Kiwi CatTools  143  Shareware
Kiwi Log Viewer displays text based log files in a tabular format.
DS18x Temperature Logging Service
 MR Soft Tmi  27  Freeware
This program logs temperature measurements from the 1-Wire temperature sensors.
System Change Log
 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.  5  Freeware
A free system service that monitors and logs your file system's activities.
World of Logs Client
1  World of Logs  57  Freeware
It is used to save your preferences and to read WoWCombatLog.txt.
Subject Search Summarizer
8  Kryloff Technologies, Inc.  14
Creates brief summaries of and translates documents or Web pages you are reading.
Additional titles, containing reading summaries logs
12  Thinkertec  4  Freeware
Secretly logs keystrokes, Facebook, chats, emails and sends logs to your email.
Geocaching Tools
2  44  Freeware
This application helps you manage the logs online and the pictures in your logs.
SpyPal Keylogger
1  Thinkertec  Shareware
Secretly logs keystrokes, Facebook, chats, emails and sends logs to your email.
Copernic Summarizer
1  297  Shareware
Copernic Summarizer can create summaries of texts.
OCM (PocketPC and Smartphone) by Skyscape
 Skyscape, Inc  6  Commercial
OCM consists of over 850 separate succinct summaries of topics.
 Tamarack Software, Inc.  2  Demo
A self-study tool to give students chapter summaries and objectives.
Subject Search Pad
65  Kryloff Technologies, Inc.  2
Finds similar files, builds document summaries and performs fuzzy-logic searches.
TurboStats ScoreKeeper for Basketball
 TurboStats Co.  4  Shareware
ScoreKeeper prints game summaries and play by play reports on your PC.
Acute Softwares Filelister
 Acute Software  1  Shareware
FileList views most picture formats, all webpages, gives MP3 summaries.