Realspeak solo hungarian

Realspeak Solo Hungarian

at Software Informer
RealSpeak Solo for UK English Emily

RealSpeak Solo for UK Emily is available for JAWS, MAGic, OpenBook, and WYNN.

RealSpeak Solo for UK ... support the RealSpeak Solo Direct synthesizer

RealSpeak Solo Direct Serena
 Freedom Scientific  34  Freeware
This sample plugin enables the voice demonstration of Serena from Great Britain.
See non-reviewed realspeak solo hungarian software
More Realspeak Solo Hungarian
Realspeak Solo Hungarian in introduction
RealSpeak Solo Direct Jill
 Freedom Scientific  71  Freeware
Solo Direct Jill is a great voice software for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Karen
 Freedom Scientific, Inc.  39  Freeware
Is a great voice software for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Tom
 Freedom Scientific  51  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Tom is a voice application for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo SAPI5 Hindi
36  Freedom Scientific, Inc.  91  Freeware
This addon provides Indian support to Realspeak software.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Lee
2  Freedom Scientific  21  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Lee is a free sample voice that works with JAWS software.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Yannick
 Freedom Scientific  33  Freeware
A sample voice designed for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Daniel
2  Freedom Scientific  61  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Voice for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Alexandros
1  Freedom Scientific  1  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct voices work exclusively with 32-bit and 64-bit version.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Diego
 Freedom Scientific, Inc.  21  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Voices are voice samples for freedom scientific products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Monica
 Freedom Scientific Inc.  17  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Monica is a sample voice package.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Madalena
 Freedom Scientific  6  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Voices for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Mei-Ling
1  Freedom Scientific  4  Freeware
A Nuance RealSpeak Solo Direct sample voice for the Freedom Scientific products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Nora
 Freedom Scientific  6  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Nora for Freedom Scientific Products.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Raquel
1  Freedom Scientific, Inc.  32  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Raquel is a sample nuance Brazilian voice.
RealSpeak Solo Direct Sin-Ji
 Freedom Scientific  9  Freeware
RealSpeak Solo Direct Sin-Ji is a support language for Jaws software.
Additional titles, containing realspeak solo hungarian
Lexibar Hungarian
 Lexicool  8  Freeware
Lexibar Hungarian gives rapid access to Hungarian special characters.