Resharper 6 taringa

Resharper 6 Taringa

at Software Informer
Agent Smith ReSharper Plugin

Agent Smith is a C# code style validation plugin for ReSharper.

plugin for ReSharper (Visual Studio ... Johnson complements ReSharper with various

Microsoft StyleCop for ReSharper
 StyleCop for ReSharper Development Team  1  Freeware
The Plugin is a custom hosting environment for StyleCop.
JetBrains ReSharper PowerToys Pack (VS 9.0)
 JetBrains Inc  Freeware
ReSharper PowerToys are plug-insthat are intended to be used with ReSharper.
Tdd Productivity for ReSharper
 Eric Hexter  Open source
This is a plugin for the popular Visual Studio Addin Resharper.
CyclomaticComplexity PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0)
 Derigel  Freeware
This plugin calculates easily the Cyclomatic Complexity.
See non-reviewed resharper 6 taringa software
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Resharper 6 Taringa in introduction
GenerateDispose PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0)
 JetBrains Inc  Freeware
GenerateDispose PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0) generates dispose patterns.
Agent Mulder plugin for ReSharper
 Igal Tabachnik  3  Open source
It analyzes the DI containers (Dependency Injection) in your solution.
R# Settings Manager for R#5.1
 Roman  1  Freeware
R# Settings Manager is a JetBrains ReShaper plug-in.
JetBrains dotCover
1  JetBrains  1,508  Shareware
A .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool for Visual Studio.
 Ron Jacobs  24  Freeware
Clean Project is a utility that cleans Visual Studio project directories.
Visual Assist
12  Whole Tomato Software  604  Shareware
This application is a nice plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio.