Resistivity software

Resistivity Software

at Software Informer
Resistor Color Coder

Speeds up the process of reading resistor values and tolerances.

Resistor Color Coder ... display the resistor values and

See non-reviewed resistivity software software
More Resistivity Software
Resistivity Software in introduction
Resistor Values
1  Black Knight Software Solutions  70
Resistor Values will calculate the value of a 4 band resistor.
DNV Software Usfos
 DNV Software  38  Commercial
Usfos software analyzes progressive collapse for offshore platforms.
Resistor Color Bands PC
13  Innovative Creations Software  7  Freeware
A simple tool that displays resistor color codes and values.
Resistor Color Bands
2  Innovative Creations Software  51  Freeware
A simple tool that displays resistor color codes and values.
Soil Liquefaction Analysis Software - NovoLIQ
 Novo Tech Software Ltd.  4  Shareware
Liquefaction assessment based on SPT, BDT and Shear Wave Velocity (10 methods).
ERICO GEM Calculator
8  ERICO  621  Freeware
GEM Calculator software provides resistivity values for common GEM applications.
AGI EarthImager 1D
5  Advanced Geosciences, Inc  40  Demo
Software for interpreting one-dimensional electrical resistivity data.
AGI EarthImager 3D
6  Advanced Geosciences, Inc.  51  Shareware
This software inverts resistivity and IP data acquired with electrodes.
AGI EarthImager 1D Demo
1  Advanced Geosciences, Inc  47  Demo
Software for interpreting one-dimensional electrical resistivity data.
3  Geotomo Software  311  Shareware
Res2dinvx32 is a 2D resistivity and IP inversion software.
2  Geotomo Software  56  Shareware
RES3DINVx32/x64 is a 3D resistivity and IP inversion software.
Additional titles, containing resistivity software
Prosys II
8  IRIS instruments  581  Freeware
You can transfer, edit, process and export resistivity and chargeability data.
7  195  Freeware
Used for sets of resistivity or magnetometry data in electronic or paper format.
Comsys Pro
 IRIS instruments  95  Demo
It enables users to perform resistivity data management from a PC.
14  Geotomo Software  60  Freeware
RES1D is a simple and free 1D resistivity and IP program.
ZZ U64 Resistivity Data Acquisition Program
 ZZ Resistivity Imaging Pty Ltg, Australia  1
Pro CP Soil Resistivity
 M.C. Miller Co., Inc.  3
Resistivity Data Input
 Wheaton College  1