Sample voices pack korg pa

Sample Voices Pack Korg Pa

at Software Informer
Male Voice Pack

Male Voice Pack 1.3.0 adds 6 new male voices to MorphVOX Voice Changer.

Male Voice Pack 1.3.0 is an ... different voice. Note: Male Voice Pack 1.3.0 is

See non-reviewed sample voices pack korg pa software
More Sample Voices Pack Korg Pa
Sample Voices Pack Korg Pa in introduction
Fantasy Voice Pack
29  Screaming Bee  4,355  Freeware
Fantasy Voice Pack is a voice pack to be used with MorphVOX.
Translator Fun Voice Pack
11  Screaming Bee  4,199  Freeware
Translator Fun Voice Pack is a voice pack for MorphVOX.
Female Voice Pack
373  Screaming Bee  6,360  Freeware
Female Voice Pack 3.3 is a free add-on for MorphVOX Voice Changer.
VisionAid International Hungarian Vocalizer Voice Pack
 VisionAid International  18  Demo
A female Hungarian voice pack designed for SAPI 5 applications.
VisionAid British English Ivona Voice Pack
3  VisionAid International  101  Demo
A British English language pack designed for text-to-speech applications.
Additional titles, containing sample voices pack korg pa
Classic Drum Machines Volume
 Arturia  56  Freeware
This expansion pack revisits the legacy of the Korg drum machines.
Microsoft Mike+Mary Speech Pack
14  Media Semantics, Inc.  12  Freeware
Microsoft Mike+Mary Speech Pack are 2 voices for the program Speech SDK.
Special Effects Voices
12  Screaming Bee  4,088  Shareware
Special Effects Voices 1.0 is a voice pack for MorphVOX.
ATT Labs Natural Voices - Mel 16k
1  NextUp Technologies, LLC.  6  Commercial
It is a voice pack designed to work with the AT&T Natural Voices application.
Charles 16kHz UK English Voice
 NextUp Technologies, LLC.  45  Commercial
It is a voice pack designed to work with the AT&T Natural Voices application.
ATT Natural Voices Lauren v.
1  NextUp Technologies, LLC.  48  Commercial
It is a voice pack designed to work with the AT&T Natural Voices application.
ATT Natural Voices Mel v.
 NextUp Technologies, LLC.  35  Commercial
It is a voice pack designed to work with the AT&T Natural Voices application.
Rich 16kHz US English Voice
 NextUp Technologies, LLC.  43  Commercial
It is a voice pack designed to work with the AT&T Natural Voices application.
Audrey 16kHz US English Voice
 NextUp Technologies, LLC.  16  Commercial
It is a voice pack designed to work with the AT&T Natural Voices application.
Sci-Fi Sounds for MorphVOX
 Screaming Bee Inc.  343  Freeware
The pack enhances your interstellar travels with exciting voices.
KORG pa600 sample editor
2  KORG pa600 sample editor  49