Sector vbscript

Sector Vbscript

at Software Informer
Stunnix VBScript Obfuscator

Protects your code in VBScript files from illegal reuse and IP theft.

Protect VBScript code contained ... code by VBScript Obfuscator

VBScript Maker
4  Zaplots Games, Inc.  38  Freeware
A handy and easy to use application that allows you to create VBScripts.
See non-reviewed sector vbscript software
More Sector Vbscript
Sector Vbscript in introduction
Dark Sector
17  Digital Extremes  3,003  Commercial
Dark Sector is a great action game with a some new elements in gaming.
Flobo Floppy Bad Sector Repair
9  Flobo Recovery, Inc.  240  Freeware
It is a tool especially designed and developed to repair Floppies.
X3 Sector Planner
 SSSC  Freeware
Sector Planner is a utility to help you plan your factory locations.
Space Exploration: Serpens Sector
 Metal Beetle Ltd.  20  Freeware
It is a RPG game in which you are tasked with charting the Serpens Sector.
SB ATC Simulator Sector Development Kit
1  Simon's Simulation Software  19  Freeware
The SB ATC Simulator Sector Development Kit is used to create your own sectors.
POS Sector
 POS Sector  99  Shareware
POS Sector is a program especially designed for restaurants and bars.
Additional titles, containing sector vbscript
EaseUs Disk Copy
13  EASEUS  1,625  Shareware
Disk Copy allows you to create a sector-by-sector disk/partition copy.
Pointsec PC
 Check Point Software Technologies LTD  97  Freeware
Pointsec PC encrypts the entire disk sector by sector, including system files.
 Symantec Corporation  52  Freeware
A 32-bit multi thread programs that read hard disk sector by sector, measure reading time and plot g....
Adersoft VbsEdit
6  Adersoft  34  Shareware
VBScript editor that dramatically reduces the time you spend writing .VBS script.
81  MyGeneration Software  213
MyGeneration generates code from templates in C#, VB.NET, JScript, and VBScript.
1  375  Shareware
Turn JScript and VBScript into standalone executables (EXE files).
XLnow OnScript
54  XLnow  25
VBScript editor & integrated tool for writing and running scripts on Windows.
4  IEInspector Software  19
AxScripter is an Active script debugger, including Vbscript and Javascript.
 (c) Aslak & Per  6  Freeware
An extremely powerful and FREE mud client. It currenctly supports VBScript for scripting and Regular....
Webpage Guard
 AEZSoft,Inc  4  Shareware
Encrypt HTML source code, JavaScript, VBscript, etc. Protect Web pages.
Sector Tracker - Track the movement of the Sector SPDRs
 Sector Tracker - Track the movement of the 11 Sector SPDRs  1