Software for making facial fakes

Software For Making Facial Fakes

at Software Informer
Institute of Animation - Facial Animation Toolset

Facial Animation Toolset features a Frapper based stand-alone application.

Facial Animation Toolset ... application for facial motion capture ... . The Adaptable Facial Setup as

Facial Studio
6  Di-O-Matic, Inc.  188  Shareware
Facial Studio allows you to create 3D models of human heads.
Facial Animation Trial
 Mac Reiter  Shareware
Facial Animation Trial is an powerful program,developed by Mac Reiter.
See non-reviewed software for making facial fakes software
More Software For Making Facial Fakes
Software For Making Facial Fakes in introduction
Digital Physiognomy
5  UNIPHIZ Lab  1,487  Shareware
This program uses face traits to identify the psychological characteristics.
Photo Makeup Editor
75  AMS Software  13,671  Shareware
Fun little tool to apply makeup to your favorite portraits and embellish them.
CyberLink PerfectCam
3  CyberLink Corp.  2,737  Shareware
Improve your appearance while having online meetings.
FaceMorpher Web Edition
45  Luxand Development  3
Automatically morph or transform faces on your Web site.
Portrait Professional
46  Anthropics  9,357  Shareware
Enhance and improve your photos and turn them into perfect portraits.
Face Beauty Rank
3  Falco Software Company  79  Freeware
Evaluate facial beauty automatically based on the golden section.
Additional titles, containing software for making facial fakes
Traffic & Linking Tool
 AffiliateSupportDesk  6  Commercial
The Traffic Linking Tool fakes traffic to your website.
75  Reallusion Inc.  560  Shareware
CrazyTalk is the world's most popular facial animation software that uses voice and text to vividly....
FaceFilter Studio
36  Reallusion Inc.  8,609  Shareware
FaceFilter Studio 2.0 is a program to enhance facial images.
CrazyTalk PRO
114  Reallusion Inc.  8,587  Shareware
CrazyTalk is a facial animation tool that uses voice and text.
ArcSoft Print Creations - Funhouse
1  ArcSoft  53  Shareware
It allows you to morph your face into others' to create fun new facial images.
Zign Track
2  Zign Creations  6  Shareware
Zign Track is the fastest and easiest way to create facial motion capture.
FxGuard Windows Logon
 RCG Holdings Limited.  2  Commercial
This application is a facial recognition technology.
Standard Mandarin
 Joel Bagge Hansen  6  Commercial
Provides the needed help to use your facial muscles in a new way.
12  Luxand, Inc.  2,254  Shareware
ProphecyMaster employs the latest and newest technologies in facial recognition.
Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies
 Cengage Learning  6  Commercial
The only book that covers both oral and facial anomalies and cleft palate.