Spread of phrasal verb

Spread Of Phrasal Verb

at Software Informer
Trix for Phrasal Verbs

Play Trix with a partner, as a team game in class, or individually.

Trix for Phrasal Verbs is divided ... range of phrasal verbs in a most

Irregular Verb List
1  UsingEnglish  58  Freeware
Allows you to have a comprehensive English irregular verb list at your disposal.
Learn Spanish Verb Meanings
 active-spanish.com  1  Shareware
Fun software to help encourage the learning of Spanish verbs.
French Verb Games
3  Amigos Software  51  Shareware
It provides a fun and easy way to practice conjugating French verbs.
See non-reviewed spread of phrasal verb software
More Spread Of Phrasal Verb
Spread Of Phrasal Verb in introduction
Tense Buster
4  Clarity Language Consultants Ltd  4  Commercial
It helps learners improve their understanding of key grammar areas.
LDOCE5 Viewer
14  Taku Fukada  306  Freeware
This is a viewer app for the Longman dictionary of contemporary English.
13  Nicola Ottomano  5  Freeware
A tool for quickly translating single words between the most popular languages.
1  G.T.M.  340  Shareware
Verbe conjugates and teach you how to conjugate 11390 Frenchs verbs.
HelloWorld Spanish Verb Conjugator
 HelloWorld sc  11  Freeware
Indicative, Subjunctive and Imperative Moods.Spanish and English user interface.
Additional titles, containing spread of phrasal verb
1  GrapeCity Inc.  52  Shareware
Spread.NET is the combination of Spread for Windows Forms and Spread for ASP.NET.
1  Verbix  6
Verb conjugations and grammar in more than 100 languages.
Amigos Spanish
22  Amigos Software  13  Shareware
Learn Spanish by practicing verb conjugation using tests and puzzles.
Ultralingua Portuguese-English Dictionary
 Ultralingua, Inc.  Shareware
It facilitates your access to an exhaustive dictionary and verb data.
SPL Mo-Verb Native
 SPL  2  Shareware
Working with the Mo-Verb is disarmingly simple and ease to use.
Ultralingua French-English
 Ultralingua, Inc.  Shareware
Ultralingua French-English is an exhaustive dictionary and verb data.
1  darkroom  Freeware
VerbOS allows viewing, searching, editing, and testing of verb conjugations.
Tense Tester Demo
 Don Friend  8  Shareware
Diagnostic tool for helping learners to learn verb tenses in English.
Verb trainer
2  Flo & Seb Engineering  9  Freeware
You can easily learn the verb forms of different languages.
1  Flexionizer.com  16  Shareware
Flexionizer is a modern software to learn and look up verb conjugations.