Syslog mingw win32

Syslog Mingw Win32

at Software Informer

A base suite of command line tools for Windows users.

MinGW is a distribution ... /Linux platforms). MinGW structure and

OGRE SDK for C::B + MingW
1  The OGRE Team  2  Freeware
This SDK uses a modified version of libstdc++ with MingW gcc 3.4.5.
1  Manubee  63  Freeware
A tool that provides an Integrated Development Environment for MinGW.
2  Cesar Strauss  10  Freeware
MinGW is a port of the free GCC compiler to Windows.
See non-reviewed syslog mingw win32 software
More Syslog Mingw Win32
Syslog Mingw Win32 in introduction
56  Klever Group  31
free, open source win32 syslog daemon.
Qt OpenSource
4  Nokia Corporation  1,382  Freeware
Qt OpenSource let you create rich, touch enabled UIs and applications quickly.
Marshallsoft Client Mailer for C/C++
95  MarshallSoft Computing  4  Shareware
Send personalized HTML and text email from your C/C++ program.
19  13,054  Open source
Xming is the leading X Window Server for Microsoft XP/Vista/Windows7.
Quincy 2005
140  7,366  Freeware
It is a simple programming environment for C/C++ on Windows.
Octopod for C++
1  The Octopod Group  3  Shareware
Octopod for C++ 3.1 is visual multi-compiler IDE for building C++ programs. It supports MSVC, BORLAN....
Additional titles, containing syslog mingw win32
Kiwi Syslog Daemon
2  466
Kiwi Syslog Daemon is a freeware Syslog Daemon for the Windows platform.
Syslog Watcher Personal Edition
83  SnmpSoft Company  18  Freeware
Syslog Watcher is a syslog solution by SnmpSoft Company.
SysLog Sender
2  The Star Software  9  Freeware
SysLog Sender is a powerful application that acts as a syslog generator.
Syslog Junction
 Synametrics Technologies  Freeware
Syslog Junction is a syslog viewer with graphing capabilities.
Syslog Watcher Pro Edition
 SnmpSoft Company  23  Shareware
Syslog Watcher is a powerful Syslog Server for Windows Platform.
Star Syslog Daemon Lite
25  The Star Software Company  12  Freeware
Is GUI based syslog server which can receive, log and display Syslog messages.
Kiwi Syslog Server
92  SolarWinds, Inc.  1,262  Shareware
Kiwi Syslog Server is an affordable, easy-to-use syslog server.
Visual Syslog Server
1  Max Belkov  186  Open source
Visual Syslog Server for Windows allows you to receive and view syslog messages.
Sally - A Simple C++ IDE
 AFAIK  10  Open source
It's a very useful solution for users of the Mingw or Visual C++ compiler.
Wascana C/C++ IDE for Windows
 cdtantl  6  Freeware
Wascana is based on the MinGW (Minimal Gnu for Windows) gcc and g++ compilers.